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Real Life

Zoya hadn't heard from Chris in three days, she was beginning to worry.

would he really drop them just like that?

they'd tried to distract themselves by doing literally anything but every time their thoughts ended up on him.

was she being controlling?
three days wasn't a long time.

but this was a strange predicament that seemed a bit more than coincidental. it wasn't like she was ignoring him, she'd messaged Chris everyday like usual but he just wasn't responding.

deciding not to worry about it too much Zoya ordered herself a Chinese take-out and put on Mulan. about halfway through the film the door rang. they stood up and grabbed their purse off the kitchen worktop.

when opening the door she nearly dropped her purse.

Chris stood their holding her Chinese with a big grin on his face.

"you arsehole!" she yelled pulling him into a hug.

"i missed you too."

they pulled away from each other taking everything in. Zoya noticed Chris looked worn down, dark circles rimmed his under eye, his lips were all chapped and he looked paler than normal.

"are you okay?"

"we need to discuss things, but not right now, i just needed to see you."

"of course."

the to spent the rest of the evening watching disney films and sharing out the take-out, big smiles plastered on both their faces as they cuddled on the couch, but in the back of their mind Zoya couldn't help the doubtful thoughts that were getting louder and louder.

as the two went to sleep, facing each other on the bed Chris finally spoke up on his lover's silence.

"you okay?"

"yeah... tired."

"what's wrong Zoy? i can see something's wrong."

"i'm just worried.."

"you have nothing to worry about. I love you so much. No contract is going to stop that."

with that said Chris reached across the bed pulling Zoya to him softly kissing her lips. soft caressing kisses turned more passionate as the two let out every emotion they were feeling.

"do you-?"


𝐁𝐞𝐭 𝐎𝐧 𝐈𝐭 - 𝐂 𝐄𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now