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Real Life

Zoya was having a bad week. they didn't know why, they just felt like everything was too much at the minute. it had gotten so bad she didn't even want to go to set and film and felt this pit in her stomach every time she left her trailer. 

Chris had been pestering her to message him using the number he gave her for the last few weeks but every time she went to something came up - be that another scene or impromptu cast dinners or even them being so tired by the time they made it back to the trailer Zoya passed out on their bed. 

it was quite uncommon for Zoya to get so low she couldn't even get up but it wasn't like it hadn't happened before. Zoya suffered badly with depression due to her childhood but she always tried her hardest to stay on top of it the best she could. focusing on their career really helped. 

it was currently 2am and Zoya was curled up in her duvet scrolling through Instagram. after a little while they got bored and decided to check their DM's. she loved interacting with her fans, she loved reassuring them and letting them know just how much they meant to her but when she pressed on the arrow icon she ended up opening her chat with Chris. 

she hesitated unsure of why she even opened the chat, but when she saw the online notification appear she came out of the app and pressed call.





h-hi hello
why exactly are you calling at...


well yes
but it's 2 for you right?


har har
why are you awake?
more so why are you phoning?

i don't know...

are you alright?
you sound... upset

 fine, thanks

uh huh 
that's why you're phoning me
at 2 am

i just couldn't sleep
that's all

are you sure?

yes Chris

alright then...
i have to be on set at 7
but i can stay till then
if you'd like?


you do like my company

don't make me hang up Christopher

you called me

so i did
talk with me

what about?



mh hmm

okay then
I was on set today filming on of the more...
chilled scenes in the film
Unfortunately I can't tell you much more


marvel contracts are tightly knit
in a fake rage with Anthony
throws Bucks arm at him
bare in mind Mackie is in the air at this point rigged up
and the arm falls
and breaks

oh god...

Judianna - our costume designer
who awkwardly for Seb
was on set to put some last minute adjustments to my costume
she saw everything and had a massive go at him
all the while Mackie is in the air above them
trying to hold in his laugher so hard
that he chokes and nearly fell out of the restraints


you there?


have you fallen asleep?


clearly you have
and i'm talking to myself


goodnight Zoya 

*call ends*

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