The first encounter

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Buzz buzz buzz

I heard my alarm ringing. Wrapped in my blanket I didn't want to come out of it I guess that's what winter morning does to us. Struggling I woke up and switched off my alarm. I always keep it far from me as it's the only way I'm getting out of my bed. Heh..

I took a nice warm shower and then get dressed warmly to go for my job. I work in "Loren's cafe". Being a cafe worker isn't my dream job I love designing. I've even applied in many companies but didn't get in so cafe it is for living.

"Isabella", Mrs Young called me.

"Hi Mrs Young, it's such a surprise to see you here today", I said hurriedly.

It's mostly Mr Young who stays and work in the cafe Mrs Young comes occasionally.
They treat me like their own daughter which is very rare in a city like NY.

"Oh yes dear I was passing by so I thought I should check up on you", she said patting my shoulder.

"Mr Young isn't taking much work from you, right? If he is tell me I'll solve the matter.", she winked at me,

Mr and Mrs Young have a perfect relationship. They have their lovely fights, small quarrels, lovey-dovey dates ahh I wish I would find something like them.

After the small talk with Mrs Young, I bid her goodbye and get changed to start my work. It was quite busy today so I didn't get any rest in between. After a very long day, I finally got some time to sit down. As I was scrolling through my internet I saw the advertisement for a design company looking for some new workers. Although it was a very big company and I doubted I would get in I still thought to give it a chance, who knows I'll get in. I filled the resume and got back to serving coffee on the table.
It was a pretty tiring day and after so much work finally, I'm going back home. I changed my clothes but I was freezing it got even colder at night. I collected all my stuff and headed home. I was waiting for a taxi but none was available.

"Pretty good luck of mine", I thought and rolled my eyes.

It was getting really cold so I thought I'll just walk. My house isn't far away from the cafe so it would be okay. I was walking, freezing, I just wanna reach home and tuck myself into a comforter. As I was walking I suddenly recalled Mrs Young once told me about the shortcut. I hesitated first but decided to take it because I can't handle the cold anymore.

It was a very dark alley and suddenly I was regretting taking the turn but I was already deep in that moving back was not a chance. I move my steps fast but stopped when I suddenly heard gunshots and screaming. I froze at my place, not able to take even a single step. I heard someone pleading for their lives and with all courage, I decided to go and see. I can't leave like this if someone needed help. I was a very spectacle and scared with each step I was taking forward. As I came to the junction what I saw left shivers run down my spine.

At the junction-

Please leave me, I won't do that again. I won't let you down. Please show some mercy.

"Ohh Marcel you have been with me for quite long to know I don't know a word like mercy", the man chuckled

"Please Please let me live", Marcel spoke while pleading.

"Well Marcel you were a nice help to me but what can I do I can't keep the traitors."

I shot Marcel straight in the head. The blood splashed all over me. I laughed in satisfaction.

Isabella's pov-

I couldn't function the thing I just saw, that man killed him without even hesitating once, he took his life so easily as if it didn't matter at all. I backed off from my place to run, to run away as far as I could but I stumbled and a thud sound reached him.

He turned around towards me to see the source of the sound.

I kept my hands on my mouth to stop the whimpers. I saw him walking towards me. Messy black hairs, dark eyes, wrapped in a suit which was complementing each part of his body, silver rings on his long fingers and blood, the blood of the man all over his face; his whole presence screamed danger.
I was praying that I wouldn't get caught. I can't run from here and if I'll be caught this man won't hesitate to kill me as well, I saw what happened he won't leave me alive.
I hugged my legs and dug my head in it I don't want to face him.
"So here you are", the man spoke.
I was trembling, this isn't happening.
"Look at me", he said.
I didn't dare to do that.
"I said look at me", he growled.
The next thing I knew he snatched my head up forcing me to look at him. I saw him in front of my eye. The moonlit makes him look more beasty. He was looking at me top to bottom.
"Why were you here", he asked suspiciously.
"I won't like killing you", he smirked.
I was terrified by the way he was looking. I don't know how I got this courage but I took the stone laying next to me and hit his head with it. The next thing I knew he was bleeding and becoming dizzy. I got hold of myself and got up to run away from him but he grabbed my wrist and spoke,
"You will regret it"
Anger visible in his eye he collapsed.
I ran away from there crying like hell I can't hold it back anymore everything I saw today, I know would haunt me. The beast I encountered would never leave my thoughts. I ran as fast as I could. I reached my house. I locked myself and cry my heart out. I have Faniasophobia (The fear of murders). I can't stand it. I cried until I was out of breath and cursed myself for taking the shortcut, for not running away when I heard the gunshot. I never want to meet him again, never.
I tried calming myself. Although I was not in the mood for anything I can't surpass the hungry I went to my kitchen to cook something. I was cooking when heard the notification beep. I checked my phone and I was astonished.

This can't be happening. It can't. How is this even possible?

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