Chapter Eight - Cameron

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Roaming around the cities at night was always Ronnie's favorite when we went out. It was just late enough so that everything was about to close. 

We went into a little cafe that was still open. 

I had been repressing the news about me being pregnant from Ronnie. I hadn't done any drugs or drank any alcohol since I found out. I was still on the edge of having an abortion when it came the right time. The earlier I decide the better. Would it be better if I never told Ronnie or if would he be happy and want to raise a family? The second one seemed way off. 

The worst part was that I didn't know if it was Ronnie's or not. 

Oli and I had sex what, four weeks ago?  Craig the same. Ronnie wasn't too long after. It would be impossible to figure out who was the father. What if I did end up telling Ronnie and the baby grew up never knowing that Ronnie may or may not be their father, I would feel awful. Not that I don;t deel awful enough as it is. 

I think I might feel a little better if I could pretend the baby never existed. 

"Avie, you don't seem yourself, are you okay?" Ronnie asked after the awkward moments of silence. 

Now or never Avery. 

"Ronnie, if I tell you something, you won't judge me or look at me any differently?" I asked and I could see the shock and worry on his face. 

"Of course." He said sternly, trying to sound manly. 

Shit. Stalling. 

I can't. I can't tell him. What if I he breaks up with me? What if I get fired. Shit. 

 "I love you." I said, not knowing what else to say. 

"Aw, Avie, babe, I love you too." He said pulling me into a hug and kissing the top of my head because he was so tall. 

The waitress came by obviously annoyed because we came in too late. 

"Hi can I start you off with something to dri-" She stopped suddenly. 

"You're Ronnie Radke!" She said surprised. Her eyes widened. 

Ronnie let out a chuckle and a grin set upon his face. 

"Yeah, I am, this is Avery, my girlfriend." He said gesturing towards me. 

The waitress contained herself. 

"Anyways, can I take your order?" She asked hiding a smile. 

Ronnie and I both ordered a salad with water since we were trying to get healthy. Although I am eating for two now I guess. Nope, not keeping this baby. 


"Avery Thomas?" The voice called. It was a nurse wearing a pink set of scrubs. 

I gave her a slight smile and followed her back. 

The way I was sitting in the chair kind of freaked me out. My ankles were in cuffs. I was laid back with no sight of below. 

The door opened suddenly. 

"Hi, you must be Avery, I'm Dr. Cameron, I will be doing your surgery today." He shook my hand. It was so cold. 

I smiled, not knowing what else to do. 

"So if you will just relax we can get started." He said while snapping his gloves on. 

"Yeah sure, let me just turn my phone off really quick." I said reaching in my purse. I didn't want it to go off while the being inside of me was being ripped away. Boy would that be awkward. 


Good luck babe, can't wait to see you at my show later. Love you. 

Ronnie thought I was just having my tonsils taken out today. 

That message struck me in a way that I could not imagine. 

I burst into tears and bowed my head down. 

"I can't do it. I'm sorry." I said in between sobs. 

"I'll let you grab your things. Don't worry, you're not the only one that has changed their mind." 

He nodded and left me alone in the room. 

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