Queen Of Mean

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(A/N: This chapter will be all about Audrey and how it lead her to steal the crown of Auradon. Hope you like it!)

The day of the engagement(s):


I opened my eyes slowly, trying to get used to the binding light streaming in through the window only to jump when I noticed Briar stood inches away from me with a sickeningly bright smile on her face that made me want to scratch her eyes out. Not that I let that part of me show, instead I gave her an equally bright, incredibly fake, smile. "Rise and shine, sleeping beauty!" She joked, stepping away from me as I moved to get up. "Are you ready to meet the new VKs?"

"Sure..." I awkwardly trailed off, I didn't like the VKs that much, the only one I liked was Briar, though I'm not sure if she counts as a VK anymore.

She gave me a confused look as the air around us became awkward. "Right.. well I have to go ahead and meet Ben at the front of the school, see you later." She gave me one last look before leaving the room, shutting the door lightly behind her as I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.


I was rummaging through my bag, rushing to get to the front of the school, when I crashed into something or someone judging from the fact they were warm, arms wrapped around my waist to keep me steady and a familiar smell of cologne reached my nostrils. "Oh sorry, are you ok- Audrey?" I glared up at Chad, my earlier fury of him proposing to Briar still fresh in my mind and ten times worse now that I'm standing so close to him.

I pushed his arms away from me and stepped back. "Don't touch me!" I snapped as I grabbed my journal which had fallen to the floor in the collision.

"What? why are you mad?" He asked, reaching out for my hand.

I pulled it out of his reach. "Hey Chad, remember me? The one who you made out within my Fairy godmothers' cottage? the one with who you spent most of the summer? The one who you PROMISED to live forever!?" I hissed. "I wonder how your fiancee would feel if she found out about what we did."

His face dropped nervously. "Don't tell her anything, it was a one-time thing, it meant nothing to me. It was just a bit of fun."

"You told me you loved me." I didn't even bother to listen to what he had to say, pushing past him and continuing my walk to the courtyard I met up with my grandmother.

"What's with the sour face?" She asked, clearly still mad about Ben and Mal.

"Nothing," I muttered.

She ignored my attitude for once and pressed her hand to my back, forcing me to straighten up. "You still need to find a husband you know." She snapped, I watched bitterly as Chad walked over to Briar and pressed a kiss to her cheek.

"They're coming!" Everyone exclaimed as the new VK's car pulled up, Chad wrapped an arm around Briar's waist as everyone around us cheered, I couldn't stand watching everyone be so happy when I was so mad so I turned around and left, making my way back to the dorms.


I sat on my bed writing in my journal when there was a loud knock at the door. I sighed and walked over, swinging it open I found Chad looking lost. "What are you doing here, shouldn't you be with Briar?" I snapped, secretly fuming.

"I came here to tell you that we need to end this whatever this is supposed to be," Chad stated, not looking too sure of it himself.

"I thought we already did?" I asked, watching as he moved closer to me, probably not even realizing he was doing it.

"Y-Yeah, right." His hands hovered over my waist as he looked deeply into my eyes, I couldn't look away as I stood, entranced.

"But before you go, let me kiss you one last time." I boldly requested without thinking, he didn't speak, he just captured my lips with his own, slowly backing me against the wall we stood by and running his hands down my back as he held me close.

"What the hell is going on here!?" We heard someone yell, we threw ourselves apart and the colour drained from our faces as we realized what we had been doing, what we had been caught doing. "No, no let me rephrase that. What the hell is my fiance doing kissing who I thought was my best friend!?" Briar yelled with tears falling down her face as Evie held her back from attacking us.

"What the hell Chad!?" Evie yelled, looking almost as mad as Briar. "How could you do this after that proposal, did you even mean what you said? What kind of jerkface does this to a girl after confessing his 'undying' love to her!? You don't deserve someone as amazing as Briar!"

Chad knocked himself out of his shock and tried to approach his fiancee only for her to let out an animalistic growl which sent him stepping back in fear of what she would do. "I meant it Briar and I love you, I only came here to tell Audrey we need to end things. That's all!" He desperately tried to explain himself.

"That's all?" Evie hissed. "You were kissing, doesn't look like ending things to me!"

"Get out." Briar hissed. "GET OUT!" She screamed when we didn't move, we both rushed out of the door, I glanced back one last time to see Briar collapse to the floor in tears as Evie tried to comfort her.

I almost took the crown but halted. Trudging back to my room, I laid down and fell asleep. But I shortly thought about Briar, and what she must think of me. I'm a horrible friend...

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