Ben's Announcement

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I stood at the top of the stairs waiting to be introduced to the boat after Mal and Chad. I noticed my brother shift at the mention of Mal's name and for a fearful look to cross his face but I passed it off as him being nervous. "Prince Chad, the boyfriend of our beloved queen." I heard Lumier announce my boyfriend and smiled to myself. I bet he looks amazing in his suit. I spent so much time thinking about Chad that I didn't hear our names being announced until Ben pulled me forward. I smiled as we revealed ourselves to the public, our arms linked, I was careful as I walked down the steps as to not trip on my dress.

As we reached the bottom of the steps Ben let go of me and Chad walked over and took my hand delicately in his own much larger one, bending to kiss it as I blushed. "My Queen, you look radiant." He grinned up at me.

"Shut up." I covered my face in an attempt to hide my blush as he laughed, as I controlled it I looked up for the first proper time only to blush again. "You look good."

He smiled and adjusted his suit. "Thanks, babe, my mum was fussing over my hair." He laughed as I touched his tamed curls.

I shook my head. "I like it better messy." I ran a hand through his hair to loosen it up a bit and nodded to myself. "Much better."

I noticed a faint blush on his cheeks as I removed my hand, he went to say something only to be interrupted by everyone gasping. My head snapped round to see Uma walking towards my brother and I felt my blood boil as I watched him move away from Mal and wrap his arm around Uma's waist. "You went back for her?" Mal asked, her eyes wide.

Uma shook her head and looked at my brother lovingly. "No, he didn't. I had a chance when you all drove off. The barrier was still slightly open so I dove off and swam here. Isn't it great, Mal?" She held out her hand for Mal to shake, but Mal denied it angrily.

"I am so sorry Mal but Uma is the one I love." I angrily stomped over to them and a smile lit up his face. "Briar, I hope you can understand what I'm trying to say."

I held back the urge to slap him as Chad stepped beside me, entwining his fingers with mine as though to calm me, which worked. "Ben, are you really going to do this? Are you going through with this?" I asked, my voice angrier than I expected it to be.

"Yes I am, and I hope you can both understand." He replied before facing her. "Uma, do you want to dance?" He asked holding his hand out.

"Of course, Ben." She smiled as he led her to the middle of the ship, "Kiss the Girl" started to play as I and Evie pulled Mal away from the scene.

"I'm not so thrilled I risked my life for him." Carlos snapped as he hugged Mal and glared at my brother.

Lottie walked over to us as I did my best to hold back from kicking my brother off the boat, literally. "We're with you, Mal." She muttered.

"I can't watch this anymore," I growled as I took Mal by the hand and led her away, not missing the smug glance Uma gave her.

As we walked by my parents I stopped with Mal. "Honey, we're so sorry, we didn't know." Mom looked at me sadly.

"I'm going to talk to him," Dad assured.

"Lumier! I want you to reveal Mal's present now! They need to see it!" Jane exclaimed as she ran over to the stairs.

"Attention everyone! And now to unveil Ben's masterpiece designed especially for his lady Mal!" He announced as he pulled the cover off of a beautiful.

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