Tourney Game

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Audrey and Ben walked out of the double doors leading to the lockers when they noticed at least a dozen girls on the grass below playing with each other's hair. Mal walked out not long after walking towards her own locker before the girls called out to her. "Hey Mal, I love my hair!" Mal, seemingly startled by the attention, waved at the girls before turning to her locker and opening it to put her books inside.

Jay walked over to her and leaned against Evie's locker. "Are you feeling kinda weird about this?" He asked. "I mean, it's not that bad here."

Mal turned to him, shocked. "Are you insane?" She whisper-yelled. "Long Live Evil! You're mean, You're evil, You're bad news!" She added exasperated. "Snap out of it!" She practically yelled snapping her fingers in front of his nose.

"Thanks, Mal." He smiled after a moment. "I needed that." Mal nodded in approval before turning back to her locker as Jay walked towards the balcony, getting the girls below to notice him. "Hey there." He said causing the girls to giggle and squeal a bit as they ran forward to him.

Mal rolled her eyes at Jay and looked to her right seeing Ben and Audrey talking. "Look Audre-" Ben started before she stopped him.

"I have to go to a dress fitting. I'll see you at the game." She pretended to kiss his cheek before she walked away. "Bye Bennyboo!" She called over her shoulder.

"Bye..." He weakly responded. Seeing the opportunity, Mal quickly slammed her locker shut.

"Hey, Bennyboo." Mal mocked Audrey's nickname as Ben turned around.

"Hey," Ben said, his mood seemingly lifted.

"I just made a batch of cookies, chocolate chip. Want one?" Mal asked seemingly innocent.

"Oh no." Ben declined with a sad face. "I can't eat before a big game." Mal looked disappointed. "Sorry, but maybe next time." He added, turning away.

"No, I get it," Mal called out causing him to stop. "'Don't take threats made by villains'. You're cautious, that's smart!"

"No that's no-" Ben started before getting cut off again.

"Oh well, more for me I guess," Mal said going to take a bite out of the cookie only for it to be taken out of her hand as Ben quickly bit into it.

The other villains, seeing that he had eaten it, advanced forwards to the duo. Jay went beside Ben and threw his arm over his shoulder "How are you feeling, man?" He asked.

"I feel- I feel like... SINGING YOUR NAME!" Ben exclaimed. "MAALLLL. MAA-" He started before she covered his mouth with her hand, shoving the cookies into Jay's arms in the process.


Briar, in her uniform, was cheering for the team along with the other cheerleaders. Audrey had introduced them all and she easily got along with them. They weren't too bothered that she came to form the Isle and accepted her gladly into the group.

The announcer was stood with a microphone by the side of the field. "This is a nail-biter folk! Forty-seven seconds left on the clock and we're all tied up. Sherwood Falcons '2', Fighting Knights '2'. What a game between Auradon fiercest rivals." His sounded sort of bland.

Chad, who was stood by Jay, was finishing his bottle of water. He glanced over at Briar and shot her a wink, to which she turned a bright shade of red. He smirked before he ran back into the game. "Go get 'em Chad!" Jay encouraged his teammate, only to receive a small nod in gratitude before he ran into action.

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