Briar Finds Out The Truth

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I caught up to Mal as she tried to get off of the stands, grabbing her arm and forcing her to stop. "This is your opportunity to tell the truth, Mal, am I really your sister? I'm not taking a lie for an answer!" I asked, adrenaline running through me with the anticipation of her answer.

She sighed and shook her head. "No, you are not my sister." My eyes went wide as she sat on the benches, I was frozen in place as I listened to her. "Mom actually took you from your real family, the royal family." I gasped as she watched me carefully. "Yes, you are royalty and yes, you are from Auradon." She ran a hand through her purple hair as I sat beside her. "So that is why you love reading and love pink, blue, yellow, and other prissy princess colours. And that is also why people say you look like Queen Belle." I shook my head, trying my best to hold back tears as everyone around us started, though we didn't notice. "I am so sorry that I had to keep such a huge secret from you, I am so sorry Briar, mom didn't give me a choice. You are the lost princess of Auradon." Mal placed a hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

Everyone had heard her confession as she still had the microphone in her hands, they all stared at us, almost as shocked as I was. "I can't believe you would hide such a huge secret from me!" I exclaimed as I shoved her hand away and stood. "Why did mo-Maleficent tell you to lie to me?" I fumbled over her name, my heart hurting at the thought of my family, or what I thought was my family, lying to me my whole life. "I hate you!" I snapped as I ran a hand through my hair, feeling nothing but anger at the purple sat in front of me. "You better not break my brother's heart, you got that Mal? Don't put him under a sleeping spell, just like your liar of a mother!" I yelled, turning to leave and seeing everyone staring at us, Ben stepped up to me with a smile and all I wanted was to crumble into a million pieces out of embarrassment.

He gave me a comforting smile and took my shaking hand. "Briar, I've got something here that I was supposed to give to you a long time ago, a ring that mom and dad gave to me to give you when we were twelve to show our sibling love." He chuckled at my confused expression "It's a family thing." My brother, that feels so nice to say, brother. He smiled and slipped the ring onto my ring finger.


Ben rushed into his parent's office, catching them by surprise and almost knocking a bookcase over. "BRIAR!" He exclaimed, no one understands a word of what he said as his mother smiled at him, walking over and offering him some tea.

"What's that dear?" She asked with a smile.

He took her hands in his own after placing the tray she held on the desk beside him. "I found Briar." He looked between his parents as fear and curiosity crossed through their eyes as well as something he hadn't seen in a while, hope.

"Now son, don't go making wild suggestions like that." His father said in a stern voice, glancing at his wife who was frozen in shock.

Ben looked desperate as he shook his head. "No dad, you don't understand, she was with the group of villain kids under the fake impression that she was Mal's sister." he looked between them, they both looked apprehensive and he sighed. "let me bring her to you, once you meet her you'll understand," he explained.

The king sighed. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to meet the girl."

Ben grinned and nodded. "I'll organize something." He gave his stunned mother a quick hug before running out of the door again.

Belle turned to her husband with tears in her eyes. "Briar is back." She whispered, walking up to him and wrapping her arms around him. "Could it really be her?" She wondered as he looked off into the distance thoughtfully.

"We'll find out soon." He whispered, placing a kiss on her head.


Briar ran through the halls of Auradon Prep, tears in her eyes. She had finally found out the truth, who she truly was, and she couldn't decide whether she was happy or upset about it. She has being lied to her whole life, it broke her heart to think about how all of her 'friends' from the Isle knew and never told her.

"Briar?" She froze as she heard her name turning to find Fairy Godmother watching her with the deepest concern in her eyes. "Are you okay?"

She shook her head and broke down, practically collapsing into Fairy Godmother's arms as the tears streamed down her face. "They never told me!" She exclaimed.

"Shh shh, don't cry dear." Fairy Godmother cooed as she rubbed her back. "Let's go to my office and talk, it's just over here." She led the sobbing girl into her office and onto the plush, brown couch in the center of the room. She waited for the girl to calm down before speaking again. "Tell me what happened." She encouraged in her softest voice.

"M-Mal, I confronted her about what everyone has been saying, about me being the lost princess of Auradon. She said it's true, Maleficent took me when I was younger and they all knew about it, no one ever told me." She held back her tears with a shaky sigh. "They were supposed to be my friends, my family."

Fairy Godmother nodded. "Many years ago I met a young girl." She began as she stood and began to walk to her desk. "She was the kindest, smartest, most princess-like girl I had ever met. She always put others before her." She opened a drawer. "This girl had a gift that no other like her could even begin to imagine, nevermind possess, she was a perfect example of what we would want in our future queen." She carefully picked up a box and closed the drawer again. "I saw this gift in her and decided that someone as special as her needed to protect herself from the cruelties of life around her. You see, many people came after her and tried to snatch her away from her family but only one was successful." She walked over and sat back down beside Briar who was listening to her story intently. "Luckily I had visited the girl the day before she was taken away and managed to give her that gift, the gift of Magic. But when she was taken away the gift stunted itself and never had time to properly settle. Of course, when she was taken to the Isle it was blocked out but now she is home. Now you are home Briar, we can restore that gift." She smiled at the stunned girl and handed her the box. "Open it."

Briar's hands shook as she took the box in her hands, she ran her fingers over the carvings. They were all images of the story of her parent's Beauty and the Beast, like a storyline that continued on into her childhood. She took a shaky breath and un-clipped the clasp, lifting the lid to find a book sat inside. She glanced at Fairy Godmother who smiled at her and nodded, telling her to take it out. Doing so she felt a chill run over her entire body, like a gust of wind running through her veins. She suddenly felt stronger and braver than before, she opened the old book and looked at the first page, 'BRIAR'S SPELLBOOK' was written perfectly in calligraphy. "I-I have magic?" She asked in shock.

Fairy Godmother nodded with a smile. "It was my gift to you."

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