Coming To Auradon

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Carlos and Jay eyed the sweets in front of them. Before long they both began to fight to get to them first, successfully stuffing their faces with the sweet treats. As I watched them from the corner of my eye, I did my best to stay as close to the door as possible to keep out of their way and get out of the car as soon as I could. Mal stared at me for a while before Evie began to attack her with a make-up brush only to be pushed away. "Here you look a little washed out, let me help." She tried again.

"Ew, no I'm plotting," Mal replied in disgust and swatted it away.

"Well, it's not very attractive," Evie commented as she picked up a blue rock on a stick and bit into it, looking startled at the consistency and probably the flavour.

"Briar!" Mal called my name, acting like it left a bad taste in her mouth as she cringed but glared at me as I faced her.

"Yes?" I asked, shifting in my seat as they all turned to me.

"You better keep your mouth shut when we get to Auradon!" She snapped.

I raised an eyebrow at her words. "And why would I do that?" I asked, finding newfound courage in the knowledge that I will be able to find out more about my past in Auradon.

She practically growled at me. "Because I said so, you will not talk to anyone or mention your name otherwise I will kill you."

I scoffed "Why is it so important that I'm silent? I'm just another daughter of Maleficent, like you, unless there's something I don't know?"

"Because mom said." She spluttered.

It went silent as I rolled my eyes and turned back to face the window as Carlos picked up another sweet and shoved it in his mouth. "Oh!" He exclaimed turning to Jay and pushing his arm to get his attention. "It's salty like nuts and sweet like I don't know what!"

"Let me see," Jay said only to have Carlos open his mouth and show him the contents, Jay pulled a disgusted face and grabbed the remainders of the sweet out of Carlos' hand, shoving it in his own mouth and chewing for a few seconds before nodding his head in approval, they both turned back to eat more.

Mal seemed to grow bored of glaring at me and was now playing with a remote she had found, as she pressed the middle button the divider between us and the driver opened gaining the others' attention. They all looked through to see that we were driving right towards the broken bridge "LOOK!!" Evie exclaimed, clearly panicked.

"ITS A TRAP!!" Carlos screamed causing all the villain kids to grab a hold of each other. Carlos grabbing Jay and Evie clinging to Mal for dear life, waiting for the drop that never came. They all opened their eyes to see a beautiful golden bridge had grown in front of us, I scoffed at them, hiding a laugh at their stupidity. "What just happened?" Carlos asked.

"It must be magic!" Evie smiled excitedly.

Mal smirked before she turned around to try to get the driver's attention. "Hey!" She tapped the remote on the seat causing the driver to look through the mirror at her "Did this little button just open the magic barrier?" She asked.

"No, this one opens the magic barrier." He explained holding up a golden remote. "That one opens my garage." He said referring to her remote. "And this one-" He added closing the divider between them.

Nasty... I like that guy." Mal laughed sounding impressed. We finally landed on Auradon's soil and it wasn't long before we got to Auradon Prep. The others were reading all the posters the people had made. "Guys look at the banner! 'Where goodness doesn't get any better, gross. Briar, wake up. You aren't dead." She smirked. "At least not yet." She muttered under her breath.

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