lactose (f.h.)

380 6 0

Warnings: needles and blood
really long one
based on a true event that happened to me


For awhile now, I've been having to sit in the bathroom for a long period of time when I have dairy. My boyfriend, Five, and I have been suspecting if I'm lactose intolerant or not and today's the day I find out.The nurse to me to fast for eight hours and I've been doing just that.

I'm quite nervous for today. I haven't really had the best experience with needles.

Flashback when Y/n was six.

"NOOOO!" Y/n screamed at the top of their lungs.

Y/n was getting two shots, one each of their arms. They screamed and cried as their mother held their arms behind their back as a doctor and a nurse proceeded to shoot the liquid into Y/n's arm.

Right before the needle was about to break their skin, one of Y/n's arms got loose and they punched the male doctor in the nose, breaking it. (True story, I did do that)

Flashback over.

Now that I'm older, I've somewhat got over that fear but I still dislike it.

"Y/n! Are you ready to go?" Five called from the other side of our bedroom door.

"Almost." I finished putting my shirt over my head and walked out of the room. Five kissed my cheek as a way to remind me that it's going to be okay.

Five spacial jumped to the clinic and we walked right in. I walked in front of Five because I knew where I was going since I've been here a lot.

Kaila, the technician, greeted Five and I in the waiting room. "Hey Y/n."

"Hey Kaila." I greeted back. Five kindly waved to the nurse.

"I'm pretty sure you have been fasting for eight hours, am I correct?" She questioned.


"Great, then we can start now." Kaila motioned Five and I to follow her to the room where I'll be in and out of this morning. The room was small. There was a counter the went around half the room. There were vials on a cart. A chair was on the back wall, in the middle of it.

"I'm just wondering. Which blood tests are we doing first?" I asked, sitting down into the chair.

"Fasting and all the other ones that Dr.Halili called for." I nodded. I stuck out my right arm as she took my inner elbow to find any veins.

I looked up to see Five leaning on the doorway with his arms crossed. I motioned for him to stand beside the chair and for him to hold my hug hand.

"So just to let you know, I'll be taking blood five times. The first one is the fasting, thyroids and..." she said something else but I didn't catch it."Then I'll have you drink a something and thirty minutes later I'll draw more blood and that repeats until I have 8 vials." My eyes widened. Five times! 8 vials! I'm going to be here forever.

I kept silent as I nod 'okay'. Kaila pulled out the strap to put around my upper arm. "Can you make a fist for me." I made a tight fist and Kayla started find a vein.

Finally she found a good vein and she cleaned the area where she was going to stick. I looked away as she pulled out the butterfly needle. I tightly closed my eyes shut. She stocked the needle into my skin and blood started to flow out.

3 out of the 8 vials were filled. Kaila pulled out the needle and placed a cotton ball on the hole and stuck tape on it. She walked over the counter and pulled out two paper cups. One, she filled 1/8 with water and the other cup was filled with white power mixed with water.

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