soulmates (f.h.)

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Over the past week, I've been seeing these pictures of a boy where I go. But not in the way that you think. The pictures are behind the new broadcasters on the TV. They're always in the newspaper when I walk by. They're everywhere!

There's a rumour that's been around for 200 years. When your a teenager, photos of your soulmate will show up. But it only happens to people who live in the same city or area.

I woke up this morning to one of the pictures on my nightstand. To be honest he is quite cute.

I get dressed into my uniform for my job at Griddy's Doughnut's. Agnes is a close friend of my grandma so went Agnus mentioned that she was hiring, my grandma instantly said that I was looking for a job. And then I was hired.

I get into my mom's car and she drove me to the shop. I liked working there. It was quiet and it was and easy job overall. Agnus said that before I started here, there was a shooting inside when she was in the back. Nothing like that ever happened again.

She also told me that a boy around my age who keeps coming out in 10 minutes before I start my shift.

Since it's a weekend, I'm coming in for the entire day because I have nothing better to do and I barely have any friends. Well I do but we're not as close to to hang out with each other after school. I'm not getting payed for the entire day though, it's just that Agnus has been very busy and I want to help out.

"Bye Mom! Love you." I wave as she drives off.

"Love you too!" I walk into the shop right before Agnus came out from the back.

"Morning Y/n." She smiled sweetly.

"Morning Agnus. How are you this beautiful morning?" I asked as I walk over to the counter.

"I'm doing great. How about you?" She replied to my question.

"I'm doing perfect." I get the cash register ready while Agnus opened the door and turned the close sign to open.

"Y/n, can you go to the back and get some spare change, please and thank. Jessica doesn't seem to know how to refill it at night." Agnus complaints.

"Sure." I walked to the back and grabbed what she needed. I hear the bell from the front door ring.

"Hello Five."

"Hey Agnus."

"Can I get you the usual?" Agnus asked.

"Yes please. I need it." This so called 'Five' replied. Strange name. Maybe a nickname.

"Dang it. We're out in the front. Y/n can you get some coffee beans from the cupboard? Top shelf." Agnus called out.

"Sure thing." I place the money on the desk and walk over to the cupboard to get the coffee beans. Once I got it, I picked back up the money that was the desk and walk back out the front. "Here you go." I hand the coffee bean the the women.

I turn around to place the money in the cash register but the boy sitting at the counter caught my eye. The boy from the pictures. It's him.

"You." He said, staring at me, like he's seen a ghost.

"You." I drop the change on the floor. Agnus turned around from her spot in front of the coffee pot when she heard the change drop.

Thank God the change was wrapped up in paper instead off just coins because that would be a nightmare to clean up.

"Do you two know each other?" Th older woman asked.

"No but I've seen pictures of him around my house."

"And I've seen pictures of her around the academy." Five implied. The two continued to stare at each other until Agnus decided to interrupt the staring.

"You guys are soulmates!" Agnus gushed.

"What?" We both questioned in unison, looking at Agnus in confusion.

"You know that rumour? The one about the pictures appearing through your house when your soulmate lives in the same city as you? Well this is it."

Five and I looked back at each other then back at Agnus. "Y/n, how about you can take a break and you and Five can I introduce each other and get to know each other." Agnus unties the apron that was tied around your waist and took off the hat accessory that was sitting on your head nicely.


Time Skip.

It's been well over an hour and Five and I have learn a lot about each other. I found out that he has 6 adoptive siblings and was adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves, who had died a while back.

I told him that I'm an only child and that my parents are divorced and my dad wants nothing to do with my mom or I. We apparently had a lot of things in common, we both love coffee but different types, we both love reading and doing math.

He also told me about the apocalypse that he was stuck in and how he had saved the world.

I went back to work and Five told me that he'd walk me home after my shift.


I actually hate this.

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