heathers (f.h.)

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This is inspired by the musical and movie Heathers. So Five is JD and Y/n is Veronica. The Heathers are still the Heathers, Kurt and Ram are still the same so here we go. This takes place in 1988.

This is the longest thing I've ever wrote.

Warning: swearing, eating disorder(bulimia), violence, guns and a bit more things.

If those things trigger you, please don't read.


I was being pulled by my friends, the Heathers. They're aren't really my friends but I stick around with them because people don't bother me.

Heather McNamara (yellow) is the head of the cheerleading team.

Heather Duke's (green) dad is loaded. He sells engagement rings.

And Heather Chandler (red) is a mythic bitch.

This whole friendship started by me forging a note to get the Heathers out of trouble from getting detention.

They did a makeover and changed the style of clothes I wear so I look completely different.

The cafeteria was loud from everyone talking and gossiping with their friends. The Heathers were talking about God knows what and me, I saw a boy I've never seen before. He was sitting in the back corner eating alone. Well he wasn't really eating he was staring. At me.

I was quickly pulled out of my daydream when Heather Chandler called my name.

"Y/n. Kurt asked me to tell you to forge and love letter in Ram's handwriting and slip it onto Martha Dumptruck's lunch tray."

"Shit Heather. I don't have anything against Martha Dunnstock." I said not wanting to do this.

"You don't have anything for her either. So come on." Heather Chandler pleaded, staring at me.

"I'll think about it." I said staring back at her.

"Don't think." Heather looks over and sees Martha getting her lunch from the lunch lady. She looks back over to me and looks towards Heather Duke. She hands me a pen and paper.

"Y/n need something to write on. Heather, bend over." Heather Duke beds over so her back was facing me.

Heather starts saying what is supposed to be in the letter and I start writing it down. "Dear Martha, your so sweet. I have been thinking about you for a while now and I would love for to come to the party I'm hosting before the homecoming game. Sincerely, Ram."

I rip the piece of paper off the notepad and handed it to Chandler then she handed it to McNamara. Heather got up from her seat on the cafeteria table and walked over to where Martha was and secretly slipped the paper onto her lunch tray.

"Y/l/n, guess what today is?" Chandler asked, picking up the clipboard next to me.

"Lunchtime pole?" I place a piece of food into my mouth.

"So what's the question?" McNamara questioned.

"Yeah, so what's the question Heather?" Duke asked right after.

"God damn Heather, you were with me in study hall when I thought about it." Heather Chandler glared at Heather Duke.

"I forgot." Duke said, feeling embarrassed at what Heather said. Heather Chandler always told Heather Duke to shut up or told her that she was an idiot. I kinda felt bad.

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