30. The End

14 7 2

Dionne's POV

"Oh they grow so fast" Lilith exclaimed dramatically as she supported herself on her arm and faked a tear. We laughed and she smiled, taking a sip of the expensive wine.

"They do" I murmured gazing at the figures of Andreas and Chase dancing together. I smiled at the sight of my little boy laughing in a miniature tuxedo with his father wearing the same.

You're probably wondering why they are in a tuxedo? Well, this happens to be my and Andreas' wedding.

I know marrying at 21 it's a bit early but what can I say, we are in love.

I gazed at the beautiful room we chose to have our reception, it was adorned with roses and multiple tables where our guests - the entire pack - sat.

We already cut the cake and now people were dancing, except me, Bri, Lithy and Bea since we were chatting.

"Oh no" I heard Bri murmur before shooting up from her seat and walking towards her daughter. Yeah, she was pregnant.

Her baby girl was 2 years old and my boy was 3. Marion, her daughter, was the perfect reflection of Finn: she had his eyes, hair and even freckles from him. The only traits she possessed from Bri was her dark skin tone and nose. Her personality was more like Brizo too.

Chase on the other hand was a mixture of me and Andreas: he had my eyes and hair color; Andreas' curls and his strong sense of leadership.

As I was chatting with Lilith and Beatrix, Chase's small voice took my attention. I looked back at his precious blue eyes glinting with happiness. I noticed his mouth covered in chocolate and chuckled, shaking my head. I was looking at him two minutes ago.

"Yes baby?" I asked, crossing my leg over one another and moving to grab the napkin on the table in front of me. I cleaned his mouth from the remaining chocolate cream.

"Daddy says he wants to dance with you" He said in his boyish voice, I smiled at him and looked back at Lilith. She nodded and asked Chase to sit down beside her as I walked to my husband.

He took my hand and I put my other one on his shoulder as his arm wrapped around my waist. He smiled and I smiled back. He looked exactly the same from when I met him like 3 hadn't passed.

We stayed rocking to the soft beat of the delicate music, I rested my head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

When the music stopped I opened my eyes to gaze at his own and offered a small smile whispering "I love you loverboy" He smiled back and pulled me to kiss, our lips inches apart as he breathed "I love you too cherry" Before kissing me as sweetly as our first kiss.

The end.


So I know nobody read this but if you did just to let you know that I'm really grateful for your support and patience.

I never thought I would write 45 000 words on my life but here I am.

And I think this is it.

Until next book, I guess.

Xoxo Mads 💋


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