16. Mine

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Andreas' POV

Today we are going to school. It's been a few days since I saw my mate and it's been killing me. I have been acting upset, restless and if someone says something about his mate I would growl from pain. It's really messed up since I am the Alpha, I should be happy for them.

I was getting ready for school today while thinking about her, I don't even know her name.

"That's because you were stupid and didn't asked her" Titan said annoyed, he's been even worse than me. He is always extremely angry towards everyone.

I sighed and got out of my room to the dining room to see my family eating.

"Hey Andreas" The sweet voice of my mom said, I can't be upset at her nor Titan can so I answered with "Hi Mom" And with a kiss on her cheek. I grabbed my bag and Roxy did the same as she understood I was going to school and she needed the drive.

We drove to school in silence and when I parked we got out. They started talking about random things as I just walked beside them.

We were by the locks when I saw red, yellow and pink cars. Don't say that Stephany brought her friends to school. Then I received a text from my dad saying to me to go to the pack house. I waved goodbye and started walking to my car but not before smelling a hint of cherries. It's probably just my imagination or somebody eating cherries.

I drove to the pack house and when I entered I saw everyone important of the pack reunited.

"What happened?" I said in a firm voice.

"There were 2 attacks in the north of the pack, they said they looked like angels" One of the old men said and I felt my anger rise.

What do these angels want?!

"Alpha calm down. We still don't know why they attacked but we are going to find out" Finn's dad, Albert, said.

"What if they are looking for someone from the pack? We can't let that happened" I said irritated and worried about my pack.

"What if they hurt mate?" Titan said worried and furious.

"They wouldn't dare to do so" I growled and they looked at me questioningly. They don't know I found my mate so they are confused at why I'm talking to my wolf and growling. Our wolves are really protective over their mates, the Alphas are worse than a normal wolf and if you have a powerful pack make it even worse. We are protective over our family and pack too but not as much.

"What were you talking about?" I asked, putting my full attention on the reunion.

"We were talking about the situation and possible places they can attack next" Frederick, Barak's dad said while his wife Alice analyzed the map of our pack.

We continued to work and discussed when my mom and Betty (Finn's mom) came to the room.

"Go to school, you need education" My mom, Ava, said, grabbing my arm and leading me to my car while Betty stayed with Albert, her mate.

"Good to know I'm loved and wanted at home by you" I snorted to her as I closed the door of the car, opening my window to see my mother waving her hand dismissing me and saying "Oh hush" I chuckled and put my foot on the gas.

"Don't go too fast, it's dangerous" I hear a faint yell because of the distance and the car's noise.

I parked my car and got out, there were some people talking, eating or playing in the trees. I guess it's lunch time.

I walked in the direction of the canteen, listening to the students' noise. They are really noisy.

I smelled a familiar scent of cherries and vanilla and started walking really fast with my werewolf speed to the canteen. I opened the doors and everyone looked at me but my attention was only on a certain black haired girl that was looking at me with those unique blue eyes, sitting at my table. God, she's heart-stopping.

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