21. Stupid Angels

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"So let me get this straight, you two are mates'' Andreas stated with a frown on his face as he pointed to Dorothy and Ryder, who were sitting on the opposite side of the couch. Dothy didn't seem happy being near Ryder and was putting on an angry facade to mask her sadness. On the other hand, Ryder looked guilty and a bit nervous by his constant change of positions and the way he kept moving his leg up and down which was starting to annoy me.

"Yeah" Both answered at the same time causing them to look at each other and she to glare while he offered a soft smile and a small shrug.

'I think we should leave them alone for some time' I said through mind-liking, Andreas nodded his head slowly before standing up and reaching out a hand to help me up. I smiled at him before my gaze flickered to Dorothy and Ryder "We need to go now, there's a lot of stuff to take care of" Dothy immediately stood up as she heard this which made Ryder stand up too "I will go too" In my mind ran various excuses before I settled in one "We were thinking of having some time alone if you know what I mean" Her face showed confusion, after some time her mouth formed an 'o' and she nodded, her gaze moving to Ryder and I could see a glint of happiness twirl in her eyes before it disappeared.

We walked out of the house, Ryder giving Andreas a bro hug and Dorothy glaring at me, I sighed "Look Dothy I know you're mad at me but I just want you to be happy. I saw the way you look at him and if you really don't want to be here, you can come with us" Her face was unsure but finally she said "Okay you're right, maybe I want to be here with him" I smiled, hugging her goodbye. Andreas put a hand around my waist, pushing me against him as we walked to the car.

When we entered, he pushed me to his lap after making sure Dorothy and Ryder were inside. He whispered "So... are we still going to have that alone time you were talking about?" A chill ran through my whole body when I felt his warm breath on my cold lips. He kissed me and started moving his lips against mine as his hands trailed my waist and thighs, he put his hand on my lower back to put me closer. The motive we came here returned to my mind making me move away and murmur "There's a lot of people working hard to help us in the war and here we are making out in your car. I just don't think it's fair for them" He opened his eyes and nodded, feeling the guilt I'm feeling right now.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled and he immediately shook his head "You don't need to be sorry, you're absolutely right and even if you weren't I wouldn't do something you don't want" I smiled as he kissed my forehead "Now let's go home, the rest of the pack is there" He said and I nodded.


We were now in his house, he was discussing with the present people about the attack that happened yesterday on the west part of our territory. The one responsible for that territory was pissed and screaming with everybody. I looked out of the window to try and ignore his voice, eventually my mind catched other things to worry about.

The same roses that adorned the already beautiful garden. The red and black rose were now finally touching, making a strange happiness fill my heart. I turned to Andreas, who looked like he could snap that hysterical guy's head at any moment. He was fuming.

I moved behind him and started massaging his tense shoulders, he relaxed feeling my touch before whispering "Thank you Cherry" I smiled at his grateful tone.

The guy kept yelling and I saw Andreas almost snapping so I decided to intervene "Asmo could you please escort Mr. Rivera to the exit?" I said, reading somebody's mind to find out his name. Asmodeus' attention immediately moved from his phone to the guy shooting. He stood up with an annoyed face mirroring mine and grabbed the guy's arm pushing him outside.

The reunion continued more calmly now and when it ended Andreas walked towards me, surrounding me with his strong arms. Moments later, he spoke "What's on your mind that made you don't give me a kiss yet?" I smiled and gave him a small peck on the lips causing him to pout. Awww.

"I'm looking at the flowers" His gaze switched to the garden and he grinned, taking notice that I was gazing at the red and black rose.

"Do you know the meaning of them?" I glanced at him confused and he chuckled "These species of flowers have been in this garden since the time our pack was created. One of my ancestors hired a witch to modify the roses making a flower grow every time someone joined the pack. Do you know why?" I shrugged and he continued "His mate was absolutely obsessed with roses and when she died from what I suspect was on a war, he made this as a memorial to her" My gaze fell again on the roses "Who's the red and the black rose?" I asked, looking at him and he answered "Us" Before kissing me on the lips.

My breath hitched on my throat as curiosity got the best of me, making me get out of Andreas' embrance and ran outside to see the flower better. I layed down and looked closer at the rose. So this is me and my loverboy?

I heard footsteps behind me before a voice spoke "It's interesting, right? My grandpa told me the story when I was little" Andreas sat next to me smiling.

"I think they look really good together" After some time I said, locking my gaze with him before smiling softly and kissing his sweet lips.


"Hey guys, I'm gonna enter the room. Please be decent" The familiar voice of Bri boomed at the door and I chuckled, looking at Andreas. It has been some days since our visit to Ryder's house and now Levia, Andreas and I were watching Madagascar in my room. I discovered today that it's loverboy's favourite movie so we had to watch it.

"You can come in Brizo" I shouted and soon she entered the room, I noticed she was slightly sweating and looked anxious which confused me. She's never nervous, she's the calm one after all. I stood up worried about what happened and walked to her, gripping her shoulders so her rooming eyes would focus on me.

"What happened, Brizo?" Andreas' concerned voice spoke as I felt his body close to mine. Bri finally looked at us and started talking in a trembling voice "T-they are here" I felt Andreas tense behind me and I started to feel uneasy. Was she talking about what I think she's talking about? Andreas confirmed my suspicions by stating "Stupid angels" My heart started beating crazy fast as anxiety creeped into me.

I breathe in deeply, trying to calm myself down until the familiar sparks spread on my hand making me look back at Andreas that had taken my hand and was slightly massaging it. It really helped me calm my stress for now.

"We need to go now, the Alpha and the Luna must be present" He exclaimed in a commanding and more serious tone. Bri nodded and walked outside to warn the others.

Andreas led me out of the room and whispered encouraging words as we approached the room where the armor and the weapons were.

This is really happening.


I'm kind of scared.

Xoxo Mads 💋

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