23. It's Me, I'm Here

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Andreas' POV

I cried holding her pale limb hand, the sparks long gone. Everything felt wrong.

"Andreas" The familiar voice of Roxy came to my ears, I quickly wiped my tears so she wouldn't notice them.

"I'm so sorry Andreas. I'm so so sorry" She whispered sitting on the chair opposite to mine. Her eyes were mirroring mine, puffy and miserable as they avoided looking at Dionne.

"Do they know?" My demeanor changing to a vulnerable one while I asked, she looked sad by my actions and I saw from the corner of my eye her eyes watering again.

"Yes" As soon as I heard her quiet response, more sadness invaded me. I looked back at her. Everyone knows.

"Can you go?" I whispered to her, wanting to be alone. She nodded and walked out of the door, closing it once she was out.

Dionne. My beautiful Dionne, come back to me please.

I opened my eyes to come to the conclusion I was crying. I had been dreaming with this kind of memory for days now and the pain never fades.

I wiped my eyes and stood up taking a deep breath as I walked to the bathroom. I opened the door and turned on the faucet, washing my face. The water drops falling along with my tears.

I rubbed my face with the towel and closed my eyes.

Dionne. I miss her so much, I wish she was here with me.

"Hey loverboy" A familiar honeyed voice said and I turned my head so fast to the door where it came I feared I would hurt my neck. There stood my girl with her breathtaking smile gracing her lips.

"Cherry?" I whispered, not believing my eyes. But there she was in all her glory walking towards me as she nodded softly.

"Yeah baby. It's me, I'm here" She said and my heart began to beat faster. She's really here. I walked to her, needing to feel her warmth. Just as my arms were going to pull her to me, light blinded my vision and I heard a knock.

"Andreas?" My mother's voice spoke and I opened my eyes.

"Andreas? Can I come in?" She talked again. I stood up from my bed and completely ignored her. I'm too tired for this shit.

"I'm going to open the door if you don't answer me" Moments later, the door opened revealing the figure of my mom. She didn't say anything for some time and just stood there as an awkward silence downed on us.

"I wanted to apologize to you" She whispered softly, her face held guilt while she said these words.

"Apologize then" I spat, regretting it as soon as she flinched before gaining her normal posture.

"I'm sorry" She said and looked at my eyes, searching for some kind of pity. She turned away when she didn't find any.

The door closed moments later and I sat on my desk, sighing. I rubbed my eyes as my heart hurt on my chest. I felt empty and lost without her and that dream. That dream looked so real.


"Hey" A voice murmured behind me. I glanced back to see Lilith's morbid face, she seemed miserable.

"Yes?" I questioned quietly, turning away to grab something to eat on the many cabinets.

"I miss her too, you know? You're not the only one hurting so if you need to talk about it, you can ask me. D... She would want me to take care of you" She muttered before walking out of the kitchen.

I turned my head to look back at her and my eyes filled with tears. She couldn't even say her name.

I ended up choosing an apple to eat and walked to the couch. Just as I was about to sit down, a voice calling my name stopped me. Here we go again. They will apologize and I will just stay there hearing whoever this person is rambling an excuse.

Oh Goddess what's happening to me? I'm their Alpha.

I sighed frustrated at myself and walked towards the voice. I was surprised to see the doctor.

"Alpha I'm really sorry to disturb you but you need to see something important" I nodded, taking my last bite from the apple before throwing it in the trash. I followed behind him until we got to the hospital.

I sat on the uncomfortable chair opposite of him. It looked like something was bothering him.

"I- I" He breathed in before repeating himself "The Luna's autopsy was finished yesterday and our group noticed something... different" His Adam's apple bobbled as he tried to find the right word. I held back my growl as the thought of someone touching her came to my mind.

He grabbed something from inside of one of his drawers and put it in front of me "What is this?" I asked not believing what I was seeing.

"That's a sonogram. She was pregnant, Alpha" Tears started to build up in my eyes as the information settled in. I lost her and now our baby too.

My hands went to my eyes to wipe the tears and I looked at him before standing up and taking the picture of our baby with me.

Our baby

A single tear ran down my cheek at the thought.


Xoxo Mads 💋

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