Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon (1/2)✅

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Previously on Total Drama Island

Despite all the effort, Geoff couldn't stop the incoming arguments.

Our drama queen Heather decided to reveal his little secret, and like always managed to succeed.

-I need to talk with him.- I tell Gwen.

-Are you sure? You don't owe him anything, he's the one who should put more effort to solve this.

-I need to hear what he has to say.- I say with a brave face.- He's not slipping away without explanation. We both know he's capable of leaving me hanging.

-Give him a lesson. I swear when I get him alone... Eh, never mind. I'll be drawing on the pier if you need me.

-Thanks, Gwen.- I hug her tightly.

I stand up and head off to find Geoff. I find him sitting near the cabins, looking at the night sky. He smiles sadly at me when he notices my presence. I can tell he was stressed. It was the first time he looked like that, and it was because of me.

-This would make a good photo.-I sigh.

-What, me sitting on a bench?

-It's the way you're framed by the nighttime. It's a good look. Your eyes are shining, and your hair dance with the chilly breeze.

-And after all of this, you're still able to say something so stunning.

-I came to talk.- I state.

-I knew we'd have to get into it pretty soon, so I wanted to make sure I knew what to say.- He glances at the moon.- Tell me the truth... What did you think when you saw that? Were you expecting it?

-Why would I be expecting it?

-Just because, I kinda thought after this whole drama you wouldn't be surprised. And you seemed to kick it off with Duncan again.

-I have nothing to hide, but I knew. Bridgette told me about the kiss. Gwen and Heather gave me the letters. DJ heard your chat in the restroom. I knew everything Geoff, but I hoped that you'll tell me this yourself. I thought that what people do in relationships, is trust each other. I thought you care about me more than about how others will react and what will happen. I thought you loved me enough to say this aloud, turns out I was wrong.

-I care Alexandra. I do. I wasn't accusing you about Duncan. I was just jealous. And you saw that I wasn't the one to start the kiss, but at that very moment in my mind I was sure, I was more into us than you. I misjudged the situation, and I'm sorry.

-Sorry is not enough. You don't trust me. That's why you thought, I don't care. I care, Geoff! How could you think so low of me? I gave you all I could, and you behaved like it was nothing.

-I know it looks like that, but that's not what I was thinking.

-Do you regret it?- I question.


-Would you let it happen again?

-Probably.- He hesitates.- I don't know what to say.

-It's ok. I know what we are, and I know what we're not. In your hesitation, I found my answer. After all, promises are just words, and you're a liar. I don't tolerate liars. I'm nice, not stupid.

-I'm sorry.

-I'm not upset you cheated. I'm upset cause from now on I can't trust you again and without the trust we have nothing. I don't hate you, tho. I'm just disappointed you turned into everything you said you'd never be. I think that whatever is between us needs to end. I think we should stop seeing each other. I don't wanna know where you are or what you do. I don't want to think about you anymore.

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