Basic Straining (1/3)✅

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Previously on Total Drama Island

Duncan showed his soft side in finding a new pet for DJ.

Gophers won and, Sadie was voted out.

Emotions are running high every time the camp's delinquent talks with Alex, but it looks like he won't be the one to talk with her tonight.

When I came back from the infirmary, the girls have been getting ready for sleep. I decided to take a shower.

I'm walking back to the cabin after showering to find someone next to its door. It's dark, so I can't make out the features at first. I quietly make my way toward the person.

-Trent?- I whisper yell.- What are you doing here?

-Just the person I was waiting for. Don't tell me you thought I won't show up tonight.

-That's what I thought. I was in the infirmary and, you seemed to feel bad.

-Thanks for checking up on me and for the snacks. You truly know how to take care of people.

-How are you feeling?

-Better, that's why I came. Shall we?- He outstretches his hand for me.

-Indeed.- I giggle and take his hand.

-I think you'll like it. This place is beautiful, but for Chef we wouldn't be able to go there.

-It sounds mysterious. I can't wait to see it and, knowing Chef, it has to be breathtaking.

He leads me through the forest. We end up on a glade. In the middle lays a blanket and, next to it is a basket. The main attraction tho is the view. The area is full of flowers, shining in the moonlight. I take a step and smell the floral scent. I turn to Trent with a grin.

-I didn't know those kinds of flowers can be found on the island.

-Me neither, but some people know better.

I walk to the blanket and lay down, looking at the sky. I sigh, being content with the scenery.

-Do you like it?

-Are you kidding? I love.

-It was worth it then.

-Why did you put so much effort into that?- I sit up and, he rests next to me.

-Are you kidding? You deserve the best.

-What makes you think so? If you want to talk, don't hesitate to ask. It doesn't require such scenery.

-You do a lot of things when you like someone.

-Why do you like me?

-Why do I like you? It's because of the vibes you give me, the smiles you put on my face, the laughs I get from talking to you, and the fact that you can make me think of you even if we aren't talking at the moment.

-Oh, Trent.- I smile but feel anxious at the same time.

-I believe artists think alike that's why you understand me so well.

-That's what friends are for, right?- I ask more myself than him.

-In fact, I wanted to tell you for a long while, but I couldn't find the courage.- He makes a pause.- I like you more than a friend.

-I know- I admit- but we can't be something more.- I whisper.

-But why?- He takes my hand.

-Because I'm scared.- I admit.

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