Basic Straining (2/3)✅

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Previously on Total Drama Island

Duncan cornered Alexandra good thing she wasn't alone.

Lindsay couldn't handle the canoe.

Bridgette and Alexandra accomplished their food mission.

Leshawna and Gwen gave their advice about boys.

Nighttime training was a dancing session with Chef. He was standing on the runway, showing us moves, while we were following them.


Alexandra: You know what, I love nighttime training. Maybe it's because of the coffee or the fact I'm a night owl, but I can go all night like that. Dance is not the best, but music is my battery.

I'm in the third row next to Bridgette. I hum softly to the tune. Everything feels like time is in a loop for me, but someone breaks it. Duncan turns the radio off with a smug smile.

-Duncan, what are you doing?- Courtney asks.

-One of us drops out, and we're done for the day.- Punk crosses his arms.

-We're done when I say we're done! Now drop and give me twenty! Has anyone else got anything they want to say?

Duncan rolls his eyes but obediently does the push-ups.

-Uh, yeah. Can I go to the bathroom?- Gwen asks.

Chef sends everyone to the canteen again, while he takes Gwen to the bathroom and, by that, I mean she's going to clean the restroom.

-Why you did do that?- I ask Duncan.

-I wanted to stop this madness.- He defends.

-If you thought it will work, you're naive. 

-Someone's not in a mood, huh?- He asks.

-Don't get us in trouble.

I walk away and catch up with Geoff. I thought about what the girls said, and I'm willing to give him a chance if he wants one. Geoff has been helping me since day one. He was the one to help me after my boots got drenched. He's the one that tried to stay with me during Awakeaton. He's the one that saved me from Duncan so many times. He's the one to encourage me during the phobia factor. He's the one that made me a new chain when I lost my previous one. He's the one that helped me after the fridge accident. He can be silly, but I need a good laugh. He can be serious when needed and makes a good leader, actually. Not to mention I always had a thing for guys with blue eyes. The only problem is what I'm going to do with Trent and Duncan.

-Hey, Geoff.

-Star, how are you doing?- He smiles.

-You smile brighter than usually. What's up?

-You're up. I'm the one to start the conversation most of the time. It feels good when we change roles.- He smiles even brighter if it's possible.

-I'll have to do it more often than, silly.- I nudge him.

-Have I ever told you, that you look mesmerizing in the moonlight?

-Why, thank you.- I blush slightly.

He leaves me for a while and runs back quickly. He's holding a flower in his hand and putting it into my hair. I reach up to touch it and smile at him.

-It accentuates your blue eyes.- He put one of my locks behind my ear.

-I didn't know you're such a romantic.

-I can if I want to. 

I take his hand and squeeze it. We intertwine our fingers, and it feels like words are unnecessary. We catch up with the rest of the group in the canteen.

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