That's off the chain (2/2)✅

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Previously on Total Drama Island
The new challenge force campers to build their own bikes.
The tricky conversation between Geoff and Bridgette ended up out in open.
Geoff better has a good plan to repair all of this.

-What part of yes didn't you understand? What are you five?- I sigh at Geoff.

-Yeah, at least five inches taller than you.- This makes Duncan burst into laughter, soon followed by Trent. I glare at Geoff.

-I'm sorry, please don't kill me.- He uses his arms as a shield placing them in front of his face. Instead of being angry, I join the laughter. Finally, the mood is lighter after the morning accident.

-Do you guys remember your first bike ride?- DJ asks.

-Oh yeah. I went down so bad, I popped my collar bone. You could see it sticking right out of my shoulder. It was wicked.- Duncan says.

- I flew so far over the handlebars that I skid for a mile. [laughs] Skin was hanging off me in chunks.- Geoff tells his story.

- Oh, that's nothing. I popped my arm right out of my socket. It took three doctors to hold me down while they slingshot it back into place.- Trent adds.

-Good times.- They all sigh dreamily.

-Could I just borrow her for a sec?- Heather grabs my arm and drags me away from them.

-What is it?- I look at her.

-How about a deal?

-Not a chance.- I turn to leave.

-Wait, I have something to offer. You may want to know what your boyfriend is up to.

-And why would I trust you? You always lie, Heather. It's not like Geoff is completely honest with me but come on, you're the biggest manipulator here. 

-You're clever, don't you think it's a bit... much?- She asks.

-If you think I'll believe you again...- I remember what Porter said.

-Who said you have to believe me? What if someone else backs my story?- She smiles.

-What do you know?

-I knew you'd make the right choice. Since you know some of these from Bridgette I'll just show you it's not as innocent as Geoff wants you to think. 

-What?- I shiver.

-If you want my help, you can count on me, Alexandra. I hope you won't let it slip.

-Maybe he's different. Maybe it's just a misunderstanding.

-He's a guy.

-But a sweet and caring and funny

-He's a guy! Wake up! Read this.

I scan the papers quickly and tears flow from my eyes. Secrest messages they were sending each other... Is it all true?

-I'm such an idiot. I let this happen you know.- I sob and she hands me a tissue from my bag.- I'm losing him.

-He attempts to cover up the past.

-What do I do? What do I do?- I wail.

-What are you talking about? 

-What?- I sob.

-You're Alexandra. My god put yourself together.- She hits me with my own bag.- You'll show him that you're the real star of this show. You'll remind him who you are. Go, confront the problem, and win!

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