The Sucky Outdoors (2/2)✅

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Previously on Total Drama Island

Alexandra found out about the last elimination, which sent Justin home.

Katie and Sadie couldn't resist berries.

And our camp delinquent Duncan apologized to Alexandra.

-Being here reminds me of this really scary story I heard once.- Duncan says.

-Awesome. Tell it, man.- Geoff looks excited.

-Are you sure? Because the story I'm thinking of is pretty hardcore.- Duncan warns.

-Ooh, we're so scared.- Courtney says sarcastically.

I come back to DJ and Bunny jumps onto my lap. I smile and rest my head on DJ's shoulder, petting a rabbit.

-All right. But don't say I didn't warn you. One night, a lot like this one...

-I love scary stories.- I smile at Duncan.

We are all listening to Duncan as he continues his story.

-So suddenly... They-they heard this tap-tap-tapping on the side of the car. The girl started to freak out, and by this time, even the guy was getting a bit scared. So he turned the car on and stepped on it. When they got back to the girl's house, she opened the door and screamed! Because there, hanging from the door handle... Was the bloody hook. They say that this killer is still alive, wandering these very woods. He could be just about anywhere. Maybe even right here!

He shows us his hand with a hook instead of a palm. I take a deep breath but keep my cool when my teammates scream and hide behind DJ. Duncan laughs at us. I walk up to him and give him a high five.

-Duncan, that was so not funny!- Courtney huffs.

-Oh, yes it was! I just wish it was all on camera! Uh, oh wait, it is!

-You are so vile. Do your parents even like you?- Courtney scoffs.

-I don't know, Jumpy McChicken. I haven't asked them lately. Not scared, princess?- He turns towards me.

-Not really, it takes more to creep me out. Besides, I love this kind of eerie atmosphere.

-We have it in common then.- He smirks.

Wolves can be heard in the distance. Courtney hugs Duncan in fear, which makes me giggle.

-What's so funny?!- She asks.

-Wolves don't attack people silly.

-How can you know?- She snaps.

-I've been camping since I was seven. You can learn a lot of things that way.

Wolves are heard again. DJ clings to me for his dear life.

-It's ok, big guy. I guarantee that no wild animals will interrupt us.

-I agree, biological researches confirm it, I read about it.- Harold says.

-True, wolves don't attack without defiance, it's not like humans are in their diet.- I smile at Harold.

-Finally, someone who understands my interest.- He smiles back.

-Can we go to sleep? I'd feel safer in a tent.- DJ tries to hide behind me.

-Sure, go ahead and save us the best spots.- I smile at him.

Soon, people start to enter the tent, I use my blanket to lay next to the fire and stargaze.

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