17 - The One Where There's a Loki in Your Bed

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  [i think it's morning]


Y/n's POV

  I wake up in my bed somehow. I probably fell asleep researching again and Mobius brought me here or something. Once I'm more awake, I realize that there are arms around me. Arms? I'm cuddled in some arms. Wait, arms mean that I'm cuddled up with someone.

  Someone cold, yet warm at the same time. Someone sleeping just as peacefully as I remember sleeping. Well, at least after the wretched nightmare was over. This wasn't the first time I've had that dream, either.

  Whatever, that wasn't important right now. Right now, I needed to figure out who's arms these were. They were slightly muscular, but not too much. Like, the perfect amount of muscular. Only Mobius has my key, and this wasn't him. Who was thi-



  I look over my shoulder, seeing a certain raven-haired god sleeping peacefully. I want to get up immediately, but he just looks so content. But what was he doing in my bed?! I look over his face for a moment, examining ever little detail. He was definitely attractive, that was for sure.

  I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping to get these thoughts out of my head before peeking slowly at the sleeping god. A piece of hair falls down onto his face, and without thinking, I brush it out of his face. He doesn't react, making me sigh of relief. 

  However, a small smirk appears on his face. "Enjoying the view?," he asks, sending shivers down my spine with his morning voice again. I feel my cheeks redden as he slowly opens his eyes. This time, I see him blush when he sees how close we are. And that I'm only in a tank top and shorts. Shit.

  I pull the covers over my chest more, easing some of the tension. I scoot away from him a bit, but I see his face frown at the space between us now. 

  I get up, still holding a blanket over me. "What're you doing in my bed?," I ask, a bit ticked off.

  He gets up with me, standing on the opposite side. "Okay, I know it seems bad-"

  "Seems bad? Loki, you were in my bed when I didn't know!"

  "You were having a nightmare!," he says over my rant, making me shut up. He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Mobius and I brought you to your bed, and I was just going to sleep on the couch, but Mobius showed me you were having a nightmare and I couldn't just leave you like that!"

  I tear up a bit, looking towards the ground. "Your body was really warm, and I figured since I'm a frost giant that I could cool you down a bit, okay? That's it. I wasn't trying to pursue you or anything," he sighs.

  I cross my arms, looking at him. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions," I mumble.

  He shakes his head. "No apologies needed. I understand where you're coming from," he smiles. Like, a genuine smile. It was very charming. "Right," he nods, leaving the room. "I'll leave you to change. Or, whatever you do in here."

  I chuckle a bit before slowly sitting on the bed, holding myself. Why aren't I more upset at him being in my bed? With anyone else, they'd probably be dead by now.

  I shake my head, shaking the thoughts from my head and heading to the closet to change. 

Once in better clothing, I leave, seeing Loki dressed as well. "Ready?," he asks, offering me his arm. I smile a bit, almost about to take it before stopping myself. Should I really be doing this? I can't catch feelings for him. He's a variant; I'm a TVA analyst.

  We just can't work together.

  I look down before leaving the room without him by my side.

Goodnight :)

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