16 - The One With Some Fluff

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[still dont know how the tva works]


Loki's POV

  Y/n's hand in mine, we walk through the door and back into the TVA. I can feel her hesitation at first, but eventually she holds my hand as well, making me smile to myself. Power-walking after Mobius and Y/n walking behind me, we make our way into the office area.

  "Doomsdays. The variant's been ambushing our soldiers and hiding out in doomsdays to cover his tracks," Mobius says to us behind him.

  "You're welcome," I tell him.

  "Yeah. But in order for this theory to hold, the disasters have to be naturally-occurring, sudden, no warning, no survivors."

  "How many of those are there, Mobius?," Y/n asks before noticing that our hands are still intertwined. Her cheeks redden as she yanks her hand away quickly, probably embarrassed. It hurts me a bit inside, but I don't let it show.

  "I don't know," Mobius answers. "But we're gonna find out."

  "Hey." Mobius nudges me with some papers, waking me up. I suppose I dozed off reading this oh-so interesting material. I look around, seeing Y/n asleep, right next to where I was. It was rather... nevermind.

  "Come on, let's call it a day." I look away from him, looking back at the girl asleep. "I would just carry her there; she doesn't like to be woken up." I smile and chuckle, going over to her chair. She looked so peaceful, the way her breathing was steady, and the way her hair would sometimes fall in strands as gravity eventually took it down to her face.

  "You coming or not?," Mobius asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. He has a sly smirk on his face, definitely knowing that I was admiring her features. I gently scoop her up into my arms, carrying her bridal style. She curled herself to where she's leaning on my chest, making my heart do flips.

  Gods, why does she do this to me?

  Mobius starts leading the way to her chambers, stopping at a door and fumbling with keys, just as Y/n did last time. He finally gets the door open, holding it so I can walk through with her in my arms. I walk into her room, carefully placing her on the large bed.

  "Are we just going to let her sleep in that?," I whisper at Mobius. He realizes this as well, feeling around his pockets for a small device. A time twister and one of those awful collars. He gently places it on her neck before twisting the device, changing her clothing to what she wore this morning.

  He takes the collar off, placing it back in his pocket. I furrow my brows as his method, making him chuckle. "This isn't the first time I've had to do this with her." I nod my head before going into the small bathroom and quickly changing into my sleep wear.

  Walking back into the living room, I see Mobius in front of the couch I slept on last night. "She's making you sleep on this?"

  I shrug, nodding my head. "Man, doesn't she know how to treat her guests?" I chuckle as he sighs, looking around before stopping and smirking a bit. "Y'know, I bet she wouldn't mind too much if you just slept in the bed with her." I'm about to protest before he stops me. "As long as you promise me you won't do anything to hurt her."

  "Why would I want to hurt her?"

  "See, I don't think you would anyways. I've seen the way you look at her." His smirk only grows when he sees what's probably a blush on my face, making me look away quickly. "Although, if she does get upset, blame me."

  I think for a moment. I really didn't want to sleep on that dreaded couch again, but it would be rude of me to get into her bed without her consent. Decisions, decisions.

  "Loki, look at her. She's sweating. She needs some of that frost giant coldness to cool her off," he says beside me, both of us looking at her. It wasn't a lie, she wasn't even under the covers and was wearing a tank top and shorts, but she was sweating. Really bad. Along with tossing and turning. I recognize that.

  She was having a nightmare. A bad one, too.

  I rush into the room, kneeling down beside her side and placing the palm of my hand on her forehead. It was very warm, but the coolness of my hand seems to relieve some of it as her face relaxes a bit.

  I look behind me to Mobius, who just shrugs. "Make sure you two meet me in the morning," he says before leaving.

  I roll my eyes before looking back at the maiden in front of me. I pull away my hand to see her reaction, but she frowns and tosses again. I couldn't just leave her like this.

  I walk to the other side of the bed, hesitantly laying down next to her. I give some space between us, gently placing my hand on her forehead again. Once I do this, however, she closes the space, scooting closer to me and pulling me into a tight embrace, one to which I hesitantly return. She places her head on my chest, getting enough cold even through the shirt.

  I sigh, laying my head down on the pillow, enjoying the thought of her in my arms. Her body temperature is now back to normal, so I pull the covers over her and start to get up, but she only holds me tighter. I chuckle a bit, relaxing back onto the bed and pulling her into my arms once more. She sighs of relief, relaxing a bit.

  I suppose being a frost giant isn't all bad.


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