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"Hello, I'm IPS Shivansh Rajawat's father. Can i talk to him? Actually his mobile is off for a few hours. Please can you give him the call!"

Ram called in the office where at this time his son was posted. The man who was on call hesitated but then he didn't want to give any fake news to them as already shivansh's condition was not good and moreover he is admitted in hospital too.

"Sorry sir you can't talk to him at this time. Shivansh sir is not available. He_he is in a meeting with the officers. I will inform you once he returns back." Changing the words he spoke out and soon cut the call.

"What happened? Where is he?" A worried Mita came near her husband with her crying grandson. She was trying to calm him down but today he was just not stopping, it was like he was missing his father very much.

"He's busy, They said that he will be available after sometime. Shravan let's go out baby. Dadu will buy chocolates for you!" He tried to divert him and so walking outside the house they decided to play with him in the fresh air.


"Nothing to worry about, he is out of danger now. Jiya is doing the dressings of his wounds and he will get back to senses soon." Varun inhaled a deep breath of relief. The lady beside him rested her palm on his shoulder giving him the assuring nod.

"I was scared. If anything would have happened to him then__"

"Relax, don't think like this. Everything is fine now." It was Nikita, the three year elder sister of Shivansh.

"Did you inform mom-dad about this?" Nikita asked but he shook his head and understood why.

"Good! They would have panicked unnecessarily. Already Pari's death had shook everyone and now Shivansh's condition. I just can't take this all. Only a few months ago our lives were perfect and now suddenly everything is messed up."

Nikita's eyes got moistened as tears welled up. She sat beside her husband who was in the same condition. After Pari's death everyone had gone into grief. In the early days Shivansh was not in his senses as he had gotten the biggest shock. He was totally numb to react to anything.

His grief hadn't vanished but it had been suppressed deep down in his heart under the responsibility of his little son who was six months old at the time when Pari left them.


On the bed Shivansh was laying unconscious, his forehead was covered with white bandage as the side was bleeding and his wound was also deep. Seeing his face none could guess what's going on in his heart, none could guess from how much he had been going through from the last few months. His happy married life was destroyed by that single accident, he lost the most precious person of his life and his child lost his mother. How unlucky they are!

A lone tear drop left from his eye but a palm came to wipe it. The girl who was still sitting there and observing him got up. She was confused little but then thought that he must be facing some problem.

"Are you fine?" Jiya asked while checking him. She gave an injection which again made Shivansh stable. After some time he slowly started opening his eyes.

Jiya's eyes brimmed in happiness seeing him getting consciousness. She carefully held his wrist and checked his pluses, once he woke up completely, she stopped her movements and again asked

"Are you fine? Or are you facing any problem?"

Shivansh looked back at her then his vision caught the empty ward. He inhaled a deep breath and nodded

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