Chapter 22 (Techno and Wilbur find out about the baby)

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You guys have amazing baby names for "Tomboo" Child but I pick "Rain" I loved "Ry" or "Phoenix" but Rain is the name of our Tomboo child. Also when I finish this book should I do another story but "Tomboo one shots" or should I not? oh well


When they got home Tommy went into the kitchen and got a strawberrys and went up to his and Ranboo's room. While Ranboo was so Happy about the pregnancy and thinking about names for the baby. Tubbo was helping Ranboo with baby names. So they were coming up with names. "I think we should name the baby Phoenix" Tubbo said to Ranboo. "That's a good name for the baby but what about Ry or Ty?" Ranboo said looking at his phone scrolling through Twitter. "Boringggg Ry and Ty kinda seem plain" Tubbo said. "What about Andy?" Ranboo said, "Yea no" Tubbo said while eating a chip from the bowl he had. "What about Mark or Tom?" Tubbo said, "No just No, Our names?" Ranboo said. "Yea, why not' Tubbo said frowning. "Just no" Ranboo said thinking it will be kinda cringe. "What about Tyao?" Tubbo said thinking it was a good name. "it's good but yea n-" Ranboo got cut off by Wilbur and Techno kicking down the door. "What are you guys doing here?" Tubbo said. Techno started to speak up "we saw the FUCKING STREAM YOU GOT TOMMMY PREGNANT?" Techno yelled at Ranboo. "Calm down, Techno, me and you know this day will come" Wilbur said looking at his nails leaning on the wall. "NOT THIS EARLY" Techno said speechless of what Wilbur said. "Calm your shit Techno anyway whats the gender Ranboo and how long is he pregnant" Wilbur said, while Techno was making weird noises from being speechless. "oh uhmm Tommy is 5 weeks pregnant and its a boy." Ranboo said in shock that Wilbur was calm about this shit.

"Huh, can we help with baby names?. Me and Techno can help and speaking of which we heard you talking about this, when we were here outside the door" Wilbur said. Techno calmed down and accept the fact that Tommy is pregnant this early and sat down. Wilbur sat down as well, "Well Techno what do you think?" Wilbur said. "What about Vee?" Techno said, "Ehh its alright" Ranboo said. While Tubbo said "I like it". " What about Sunny?" Tommy said walking down the stairs. Then Wilbur snapped his fingers and all of their eyes were on him. "I FOUND THE PERFECT NAME, WHAT ABOUT Rain" "Actually I love that name" Ranboo said. "Same" Tubbo and Tommy said. "Not bad" Techno said. "Well looks like were naming this baby Rain" Tommy said looking happy. Ranboo was happy aswell and same for Tubbo and Techno, Wilbur. Y'know I'm tired, I'm going to bed, Tommy said walking up the stairs. "Okay Love" Ranboo said.

Techno and Wilbur stayed for a little bit and talked. After when they left at 9 pm. Tubbo and Ranboo said goodnight and went there separate ways to the bedroom. Ranboo got in bed with Tommy and fell asleep. Tubbo didn't go to sleep yet he stayed up for one more hour streaming and when he was done Tubbo finally went to sleep.

Okay, okay so on Chapter 24 Tommy will get give birth which is terrifying. But hope I didn't do mistakes and all. Anyways I hope you guys have a great day/night <3

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