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   robyn placed herself down beside finn, him smiling awkwardly towards her as she did so

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   robyn placed herself down beside finn, him smiling awkwardly towards her as she did so. tilting her head to the side, robyn only wondered what was on his mind from the uncomfortable smile he sent her before she placed her hand on top of his as mr schue walked in, "i've had a little inspiration. this week's musical lesson isn't really a lesson. it's a musical; rocky horror." The audience murmered as finn mentioned he'd never seen the musical before.

"mr schue, while i admire your choice of the groundbreaking '70s musical, aren't you worried that the adult themes might be a point of controversy?" rachel asked, robyn looked over at koa — thinking about what her parents had said that night. "seriously. a school in texas couldn't even do rent. it caused an outrage and they had to cancel the show," kurt added on before koa threw a smile towards robyn, she responded with a gentle one.

"isn't that the whole point of the arts? pushing boundaries, doing things people say you can't do for the sake of self-expression? i got it all figured out. i cut out some of the more risqué sections, and i'm sending home permission slips to all your parents to make sure that they're okay with it and we're going to charge admission and use the proceeds to help pay for the transportation to nationals in new york!" they were all excited about the city they were heading to.

"let's talk about casting," mr schue said before rachel raised her hand, "finn and i will play brad and janet." mr schue shook his head before clearing his throat, his eyes travelling towards robyn. "robyn, i was maybe wondering if you'd like to play janet? your level of vocal skills will be amazing for the role of janet, what do you say?" mr schue asked. robyn smiled slightly before sighing and nodding her head, "i love acting." she declared before squeezing finn's hand.

"i'll be playing the guy in the wheelchair, right?" artie asked, raising his hand.

"that's what i was thinking. and kurt could play the role of frank-n-furter," mr schuester suggested.

"no. there is no way i'm playing a transvestite in high heels and fishnets and wearing lipstick," kurt replied, listing the reasons not the be the character. "why? because that look was last season?" joked santana, earning a glare from kurt. "i'll do it. i'm feeling a little more confident about my singing voice after our duets program," mike said, robyn smiling up at him.

"great. i have no problem with that. now, we're a little short on female roles, so we're going to have to double up on columbias and magentas. sam, i'd like you to play the role of the creature," mr schue said as sam looked completely confused. "from the black lagoon?" questioned sam, quinn correcting him with a flirt. "okay! looks like we got ourselves a show."


"janet, eh? you excited to play the part?" koa asked as he arrived robyn at her locker. "listen, koa—" the conversation with her fathers really stuck in robyn's head. all Robyn wanted was a start over, someone who didn't know and shouldn't care about her past, but after her dads and the night with finn, robyn come to terms with who she was, "you're a really attractive guy and all. but," then she was cut off by his sighing.

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