𝟶𝟷𝟾. 𝙶𝙰𝙶𝙰

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( authors note —
in this episode, the term
faggy is used, which could
be offensive to some, and i
would like to say that
i am pansexual but i will be
blocking the word re**rd as
i have no disability, and yet
again, some may take this
as offensive and i am completely
against using the word and
uncomfortable with saying it.)



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they all gave suggestions for tina's new look. she had been told her vampire look was acceptable and now she wasn't herself with the basic clothing she wore. they all stopped as rachel stormed into the choir room, anger on her face before she spoke, "we have a serious problem. you know how i've been doing some deep background on vocal adrenaline?" artie twisted his head. "isn't that against the rules?" he asked rachel.

   "no, not at all. or probably. whatever! anyway, what i figured out; i rooted through the dumpsters behind the carmel auditorium and i found 18 empty boxes of christmas lights. which led me to joelle fabrics — i asked them about red chantilly lace. they were sold out!" rachel announced before robyn gasped. hardly anyone knew what that meant, but she did. she knew exactly what it meant.

   "they're doing gaga," kurt told everyone.

   "that's it. it's over," mercedes added on.

   "exactly!" rachel said before folding her arms. robyn kept her mouth open, she couldn't believe it. lady gaga. "we should have guess it. they're going for full-out theatricality. they know it's the easiest way to beat us. damn them," kurt said. robyn placed her head on mercedes shoulder in defeat as she groaned.

   "what's up with this gaga dude?" asked puck, earning glared from kurt and robyn. "he just dresses weird, right? like bowie?" puck added on. robyn and rachel scoffed in reply. "lady gaga is a woman! she's only the biggest pop act to come along in decades. she's boundary pushing, the most theatrical performer of our generation. and she changes her look faster than brit changes sexual partners," kurt replied, brittany curled her hair before robyn chuckled. "that's true," brittany said.

   "it makes sense that vocal adrenaline would pay homage. it's a brilliant move, she's a perfect fit for them," artie told everyone, all nodding their heads in agreement.

   "hold on a second — we might be able to kill two birds with one stone here. we can help tina find a new look and find a competitive number for regionals. this week, your assignment; gaga," mr schue, all girls glad of the assignment however the boys not so much.


   they walked through the halls. finn tall beside her as he held her books. robyn smiled up at him as they arrived her locker. she had still to tell him about her mom, it was an important thing that he needed to know. well, that she wanted him to know. she just didn't know how to tell him, the situation wasn't even spoken about to rachel and they now got along.

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