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   being pregnant at the same time as quinn felt weird

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being pregnant at the same time as quinn felt weird. sharing the baby daddy was even more weirder as robyn waited outside their doctors room, awaiting for her appointment to continue as well. smiling at the couple in front of her, watching as he held onto her stomach and listened closely to her bump; robyn felt a tang of jealousy run through her veins.

   "miss berry, do you want to come in?" the doctor asked. robyn stood from her seat as quinn walked out, earning a smile from her before robyn entered the room and laid on the bed, besides finn. leaning her head down, she felt a warmth wrap around her hand.

   "this is going to be cold," the doctor announced before putting the scanner onto robyn's stomach, her squirming at the coolness of it before tightening her hand around finn's. she felt him chuckle slightly at her reaction as the scanner moved around her stomach, gently.

   "i have said the same for quinn, have you two talked on what to do after the baby is born?" she asked. robyn looked up at finn before they both shook their head. "we haven't discussed it," robyn told the nurse as the nurse searched her stomach for the baby. waiting patiently, robyn gripped tight onto finn's fingers, surely sending them red with her grip.

   "whatever you were thinking, if this makes a different, it's a boy," the nurse announced. he bounced his knee as his eyes searched at her stomach, finn smiled slightly at the announcement of their baby being a boy. robyn also looked down at her stomach, in which their little baby boy was growing inside and she couldn't help but a smile escape on
her lips. "oh..." A whisper left her mouth as she held finn's hand, softly.


   "ladies choice, heads—" sylvester said as schuester held the coin down on his hands, confirming that the coin said heads. robyn sat with her hands on her stomach, leaning on brittany's shoulder slightly, her smile hadn't left her lips ever since the doctors appointment that morning. "awesome. all right, the following students have been selected for a special, elite glee club called 'sue's kids'," sylvester said, annunciating elite.

   "hold on! we agreed not to split up the group," schuester told sylvester, shaking his head. "come on, will. give me a chance to do things sue sylvester's way," robyn laughed slightly at the sentence, 'oh, god,' she said to herself before she stopped her laughter once earning a glare from santana — what was her problem lately?

   "maybe with my proven leadership abilities, i can help this pathetic group of mouth breathers place at Sectionals," sylvester said. Kurt turned his head after closing his mouth, clearly confused. "is she serious?" robyn whispered to santana, santana rolled her eyes. "shut it, fetal error," santana said.

   robyn furrowed the brows as she remembered the meaning of fetal error; unwanted pregnancy. taking her head from santana's shoulder, robyn now sat quietly in her seat as sylvester began to shout names: "santana, wheels, gay kid, asian, other asian, robyn, aretha, and shaft!"

   standing, robyn began to make her way to the other side of the room with the others. she suspected to be up here because she was bisexual. "see, will, i don't want to participate in a group that ignored the needs of the minority students," sylvester explained. "you have got to be kidding me," schuester exclaimed with a whisper as he leaned closer to sylvester. "oh, i wouldn't kid about this, will. and maybe that's your problem. bigotry is no laughing matter," she said back to him.

   "and that's how sue, sees it," santana said as she curled her fingers into a 'c.' robyn nodded her head in agreement before she stood beside mercedes, "outstanding," She heard sylvester say to santana.


   robyn didn't bother showing up to 'sue kids.' pulling up to her house, robyn began to make her way towards the house — entering it with a scream as leroy stood in front of her with his arms crossed, an angered expression painted roughly on his face.

   "hey, dad," robyn said as she waved towards her dad. "it was lunch, and i came back for something," she lied. leroy looked down at his daughter as he scoffed, "don't lie to me, robyn,"  he spat. robyn stood in the middle of the kitchen, creasing her eyes shut. 'did he know?' she asked herself. why else would he be mad? everything at school is good, and she had no problems at home.

   "do you want to explain something?" leroy asked, arms crossed. robyn turned on her heel, straightening the red and white costume covering her body. robyn felt her eyes began to cover with water, "dad—" she whispered, leroy held his hand out as she began to talk.

   they knew. robyn's chest stammered as did her breath. they knew. robyn felt a cold tear drop onto her warm cheek, soaking into her pale skin before she sniffled. "rachel told me," leroy told robyn. what was robyn expecting? of course rachel told their dads. 

   "we had so much expectations from you! and you throw it away with a teenage pregnancy," leroy stated, hearing the door slam behind them, robyn knew hiram was home. "how stupid can you be, robyn?" hiram asked, overhearing their conversation from the outside of the door.

   robyn sucked in a deep breath, "i didn't mean too. it was an accident," robyn told them as tears fell from her eyes. "that is the obvious," hiram stated as he looked his daughter up and down; disgusted. robyn expected her parents to accept it, and help it. "is that where all that money has gone? saltines, doctors appointments?" leroy questioned. robyn nodded her head in reply, she knew how expensive it all is, and how disappointed her parents would be; now.

   "go back to school, and don't come back," hiram said.


   walking through the halls of the school, robyn placed her hands on her arms. she felt empty. tears hadn't escaped her eyes, she couldn't let them escape her eyes. the halls were quiet, robyn began to make her way towards the choir room— where it was also quiet. "rachel!" robyn exclaimed as she ran into the choir room, anger coursing through her veins.

   rachel stood as robyn entered the room. "you told them? i can't believe you," robyn threw the closest thing near her towards rachel. rachel stood and screamed as she dodged the object. "you are so selfish! i thought were were finally building a relationship," robyn told her twin as she threw another object, the teenagers surrounding them scattering.

   one thing about robyn, she was a hot-pot, and now she was boiling. "i—" rachel stammered her talking before deciding to be quiet as robyn threw her own shoe towards rachel.

   rachel gasped as it hit her stomach, holding it as she looked down before showing her face of anger towards robyn. "are you happy? are you so glad i'm not living with you anymore?" robyn shouted towards the girl, grabbing her other shoe before schuester took it away from her, placing it on the piano.

   "i didn't know they'd kick you out," rachel whispered, the rest of the glee kids staring at them both — finn clicking onto the conversation.

   "fuck you," robyn spat towards her sister. schuester curled his lips downwards before walking towards robyn, "what are you talking about?" he asked the girl.

   robyn stood in the middle of the choir room, shoeless, as she rubbed her running nose from her sobbing. "you'll find out, tonight, on the blogosphere," rachel said over the sobs escaping robyn. 'blogosphere?' robyn questioned in her head, squeezing her eyes shut to let the tears stuck in them free.

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