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It’s been three weeks since I came here, I know I was supposed to have left the second day but Elle kept feeding me, and I’m a huge foodie. I and Travis haven’t talked that much which I admit is my fault. I’ve been ignoring him this whole time because I’m honestly afraid that he is actually going to let me go back. I know that’s stupid since I was the one who wanted to leave first but I love being here and the people here are amazing. I miss Chloe but I feel like I’m at home here, like im finally where I’m meant to be. 
“ I’ve got to stop running away from my problems.”, I say to myself as I put finish washing the last dish. Then I heard the door open and Ben ran into the kitchen and hid under the table. Next Travis came inside yelling Ben’s name. I wanted to laugh but then I would give Ben’s hiding spot up. This was a normal thing, Ben was always playing pranks on Travis and then leaves me and Elle to save him. 
“ Missouri, have you seen Ben?”, Travis asked me when he walked into the kitchen with egg yokes all over him. It was clear to see that Ben had thrown them on him. Holding back a laugh I told him, “ No, I haven’t seen him. I heard him come into the house a few seconds ago but I didn’t see him. Did he do something again?”
Travis just shook his head and walked out of the kitchen to check the other rooms. After hearing Travis walk out Ben came out from under the table with a huge smile on his face. 
“ Did you see his hair? I think he should wear it like that more often.”, Travis said
“You should stop teasing your brother so much.”, I said to him laughing.
Their relationship made me wish that I had a sibling too. The younger kids at the orphanage had been more like my children than a younger sibling. I had to take care of them since they had no one else to but at times I had felt selfish because I wanted some to take care of me the way I took care of them. Chloe would tell me that i wasn’t being selfish and that i deserved that too but the world just wasn’t kind enough to everyone which was true. Before I could continue thinking about that I heard a loud noise outside. I walked out the kitchen and looked outside but I didn't see anything. I went to turn around and felt something hit my head and then everything went black.

Ricky's pov
After hitting Missouri in the back of the head. I threw her over my shoulder and walked to my car. I threw her in the back seat and tied her up just in case she woke up and tried to escape. Me and her were finally together and she won't be getting away this time. I don't know why she thought that she could escape me in the first place. I gave her everything, without me she would be nothing. Mom wanted to kick her out of the orphanage but I convinced her to let her stay. She would've been out in the cold, homeless and starving without me. I drove to the house I was renting out and carries her into our new room. Since she wanted to be in the country so badly I would let us stay here for a little while and then we will go back to the city. Once we get back we would get married and start our family. I smiled at the thought and looked at her unconscious body laying on the bed. We were just meant to be now all I had to make her see it too. One day she will look back at all I've done for her and thank me.

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