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As we rode after the carriage all I could think about was how I was going to convince her to forget about what she had heard. I’ll admit that what she heard was the truth and I wasn´t going to lie to her and say that she heard wrong, that just wasn´t how I was. I´m the type of person who would rather you tell me the truth even if it´s going to hurt rather than you lie to me to save my feelings. And my ma raised her kids to treat others the way you would want to be treated. I saw her and the coachman looking back at us so I signaled him to stop. I thought that he would have kept going but thankfully he stopped though she looked surprised and upset that he did. 

¨ Whew, I was worried we wouldn't´t catch up.¨, Ben said with a smile. 

At least someone is smiling 

The girl was trying to hide her frown but she was failing. It almost made me feel bad that I had stopped the carriage. 

You don´t feel bad though

The keyword there was ¨ almost¨ 

¨ Can I help you gentlemen?¨, she asked trying to hide her anger but you could still hear it. 

¨ Yes, you can. You were the lady who was just at my house, aren´t you?¨, I asked her, I already knew she was of course but I wanted t see how she would respond. If she said she wasn´t, she would be lying, but if she said she was, she would tell the truth. And lying is a huge deal-breaker for me. 

You do realize she could say no because she feels uncomfortable right? 

You have a point. I would be uncomfortable if I showed up to marry a person who didn't even know I existed. 

I´m always right 

I internally rolled my eyes. I watched as she debated with herself on how she was going to reply to me. The whole time Ben stood there smirking and trying to hold back a laugh like he wasn´t the whole reason we were in this situation right now. That´s when I decided to punch him when we are alone. 

¨ Yes, that was me but I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I apologize.¨, she said after a while. I don´t know what made her decide to confess because it had seemed like she was going to say no and run away again. But I was thankful for whatever it was. 

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