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Random girl? I had to make that those words hurting me even though it was true I was a stranger, a random girl his brother wrote to in his name. Why was I hoping for, well I don't know what exactly I was hoping for but I do know that wasn't it. At this point, I don't see a reason why I have to stay here as much as I love this house wanted to stay and get to know these people I didn't want to be here any longer.  It was made perfectly clear to me that the only reason I was here was to help aid this man's guilt complex or whatever you call it. ¨ Since you have sent my only way back home away could you be so kind as to take me to the train station.¨, I said making sure it was phrase as a statement and not as a question. He looked at me with confusion and replied,¨ Why?¨ I asked scoffed and rolled my eyes at his question . Did this man actually think I was so desperate and stupid that I would stay in a place where I wasn't truly welcomed. Instead of answering  I gathered my things and walked out of the house to my surprise Ben and Elle were outside and appeared to have never even left. I had been fooled by those two again but couldn't put the blame on them. Chloe had warned me not to come in yet I did anyway. Richard did always tell me that one day my dreaming would cause me trouble. It seems like everyone around me could see the problems in my life that was too quick to overlook. I walked up to Ben and said,¨ Take me to the train station please, and thank you.¨ He looked back at Travis who had just came running out of the house shocked at my statement. Elle sighed and shook her head.¨ Even if one of us took you back and you still want to be able to go back home today the trains have stopped running for the day.¨, Travis said. Now I would be beyond angry if they had just let me leave earlier none of this would be happening.  I don't know who I was more frustrated with Travis or myself. I know that if I had to be mad at someone it should´ve been Elle and Ben because they're the ones who put me in this situation.

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