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" Where is she?", I asked no one in particular as I stared at the ceiling. I don't understand why she would just leave me the way she did after everything I did for her. Did she think that just because she was able to get with an amazing guy like me then she could live with me? Ha, no way. And that friend of hers won't tell me no matter what I do. But I swear I'll find her and when I do ill make sure she won't leave me again. 
" Wait for me Missouri.", I said smiling to myself.

Third Person POV

After Elle convinced Missouri to stay for dinner she also convinced her to stay the night. She told her that the guys would take her to the train station the next morning. Even though Missouri was hesitant about it she agreed anyway. The next morning she woke up to the smell of bacon, the smell made her think about her life at the orphanage. There she was lucky if she got bread for breakfast, the orphanage owner, Miss Donalds, was secretly embezzling the money that was donated and given to the orphanage. She made the older kids go out and get jobs just so that she can get more money. The younger kids were taken care of more than the older ones since they were the ones people wanted to adopt. But the mistreatment there varied from neglect to starvation to abuse. And yet no one believed the kids when they told anyone. Especially since to the public  Miss Donalds didn't need money since she came from a rich family. But her family disowned her when she married her younger sister's fiancee. But she didn't care because he was rich, that was until he died at war and she found out that he left all of his money to their son and she couldn't touch a single penny of it. When that happened she tried to get back on her family's good side but they kicked her back out. She's a power-hungry narcissist with morals so low it's like she doesn't even have any. That was the reason Missouri was glad that she left and that Chloe's parents had bought the orphanage from Miss Donalds. They wanted her to stay and take over but she just couldn't stay in that town. 

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