I still don't know you / Jeju

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A/N: Before I start the chapter, I want to apologize for the short update. :)

Zelo's POV

The next day, we all headed to the airport.

Wondering why we're headed to Jeju? --well, it's because we wanted to escape the winter coldness in Seoul.

When we arrived in Jeju we headed to a 5 star hotel resort.

The three girls shared a room and us three guys shared another room.

We all headed to the private beach that was full of trees, it was kinda like Boracay style? Idk..

So yea, well...

Unfortunately, Knowing that the other four were couples.
.made me sure of what was going to happen next; they left me and Tia behind.

I looked at Tia, and she gave me a small smile. 

Tia's POV

Why didn't I see this coming?
I promised myself that I couldn't be left alone with Zelo.

"Uhh...so.. Let's go walk around.." He insisted.

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