021 - part two

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Chapter 21: There's our girl

"She looks beautiful." Davina pipes in. Peter is at her side, looking like something is off. "You okay Peter? You seem a little. . . I don't know, sick?" He shakes his head. "I'm fine." He says. I take his word for it and turn back to Alora who is now at the bottom of the stairs, locking arms with the boy who sat with her during Transfiguration.

The Ravenclaw boy glances back at us, his expression unreadable. "She's not that pretty, definetly not on the inside." I say. "I agree with you on that one." James repsonds.

"I don't trust her, and I don't like her being around us." Davina says. And again Peter looks sick.

Sirius shows up at our sides and asks, "Remus won't dance with me, who volunteers?" We all say no and Remus joins us by the drinks.


I stand next to Lexi, looking at Sirius. It has been a long while since I realised my feeling for Lexi were nothing more than a distraction. I know he probably won't even see me that way, but if he won't, I need to know. "I want to sit, Sirius will you come with me?"

He nods and follows me, but I stop walking. "Actually, can we go somewhere more private? I need to talk to you about something."

"Yeah sure Moony, lead the way." He puts his hand out for me to take it and I do. He seems genuinly happy tonight and the thought of being disdowned has sank to the bottom of his mind. At least for tonight. Were just outside of the Great Hall when we come to a halt. "What is it Moony?"

"I don't know how to put it into words. Normally I'm the one why can talk easily, and you find is easier to take action. But."

"What? I don't understand. Whatever is up, you can say it."

"I can't say it Sirius, I thought I could."

"So you dragged me away from the party for nothing?" He laughs and bumps my shoulder. "You're drunk, good. Then you won't remember this tomorrow." I turn my head to him and take a step. One more, and another. Until I'm a few feet away from him. He stays quiet.

I take one last stop and take his face in my hands, pressing my lips against his."

When I pull back, he looks just as stunned as I feel. Did I actually just do that? "Remus I-" He starts, but his first two words are followed by a loud bang. "Lexi- We need to go now!" He takes my hand and drags me towards where the sound came from. It is when we see everyone running towards their dorms that we realise something is happening at the entrance to the school. We run and run until we see James and Lexi walking in our direction, backwards.

"Lexi, come on. We need to run." James whispers. "You go James, I will keep them away from the dorms." She tells his quietly. Two people in mask are coming closer and closer. We are joined by Davina and all of our wands are pointed at the Deatheathers.

I have never seen one in my live, and I wished I would never have to. "Expelliarmus!" One of them shouts. Davina's wand flies through the air.

"Levicorpus!" One of the Deatheathers flies back through the hallway. "Nice job mate." Sirius tells James.

"Guys there are more of them." Lexi suddenly says. "What? How many? Have you seen them?" Sirius asks.

"Three of them in total, the other one is in the Great Hall."

"What? How do you know?" James asks her as we are fighting off the Deatheathers. The one that got hit by James has jumped back on his feet by now. "I had a dream, last night. When I came to your room. There were three people."

"That wasn't a dream, was it?" He asks her.

"You mean you had a vision?" Davina now questions. "I think so, yes."

"How. . . can you all talk. . . while fighting!"


"Lock the damn door Padfoot!"

Once the door is locked we all back away from the door. "Okay, plan B." I start. "I thought running was plan B?" Davina asks, sounding terrified. "Okay, fine. Plan C?" Lexi asks, desperate.

"Lexi, your blue light thing. You remember what happened to us the last time. You can take them down."

"James, I don't. . . The only times I have been able to do it I was either angry, or upset. How am I supposed to. . ."

"Oh come on Lexi! Just take them down!" I shout. She needs to get angry or upset right?

"I can't Sirius!"

"Oh of course you can't! What can you do!?"

"Pads, that's enough." James warns. "Not even close! She drags us into this and won't even try to get us out if this mess?!" The door won't hold long.

I can see her eyes lighting up, bright blue, it is working. "We don't have much time until that door breaks Lex." James says. She takes a step forward. "I can't do it? Watch me."

She takes another step forward and we all back up as the door falls. The prefects bathroom might not have been the best choice or room to fight of three Deatheathers, but we will have to.

Most of the dust has settled and spells fly around. "There is our girl." One of them says. Her eyes light up again and she spreads her arms. She starts screaming and this blue wave fills the room and pushes everyone to the ground, including us.

Al though it seems the Deatheathers were hit a lot worse. I try to stand up but Lexi collasps onto the ground. I go down on my knees and in the corner of my eye I see the Deatheathers dissapear.

Word count: 974

Word count: 974

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