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Chapter 17: For the better

"We could talk about it now? I could come to the library with you." James suggests while enter the castle. "We could." I say, dreading it. I want to know where we're at, but I'm worried it will get awkward. "That doesn't sound too exited, are you okay?" He asks. I nod, "It's nothing."

"You don't want to talk about it?" We stop inside the library and he takes one of my hands in his as he looks me straight in the eyes. "I do." "Then what is it? You can talk to me you know."

"I'm scared that if I say or do the wrong thing, I will mess things up." He lifts my chin. "Lexi I have been quietly hiding my feelings for you for too long, I'm not leaving now." He assures me. I nod and smile. "I want to kiss you again." He suddenly says. "James."

"I know, we should talk first. We can kiss later." I laugh at him and he smiles back at me. "What do you want us to do?" I ask him.

"If it were up to me I'd let the world know you're mine, I want you to be mine. But I get it if you need time, or if you want to see how it goes first."

He plays with my fingers as I look at him. "I know what I want."


I am shocked to hear those words come out of her. "Then what do you want Lexi Amirah Medina." I tease. "You." She says, before leaning in and placing her hand on my neck. I put us on our feet and walk until her back touches the bookshelf. One or two books fall out and she laughs without breaking our lips apart. It's not less exiting then the first time, it better, it's passionate and real. Real.


She giggles, "We should leave, we have class."

"Screw class."
"Screw you James."
"Gladly." I smirk at her. I place another kiss on her lips and take her with me, not breaking out hands apart.


I'm dreading going defense against the dark arts, I can already feel another essay about some lame subject coming. I sit next to James, not like I had any other choice, he didn't let go of my hand.

James has a smirk on his face and won't let go if my hand, Remus on the other hand looks miserable. "James I'm gonna have to take notes at some point."

"Can't you write them with your left hand?" He pouts like a little baby.

"Na ah, not falling for that baby face of yours Potter."

"Ouch, I thought we were past the last name stage." He puts his hand on his heart in a dramatic way. "What's up with Remus?" I ask. James puts up his innocent act, but I have seen it enough times to see through it. I look over to Remus, who is next to Sirius, still looking miserable. "Is he okay?"

James has no answer. Remus is staring at the front of the classroom, his eyes filled with horror. His foot is quietly tapping on the floor. I follow his gaze and see a word, written in white chalk, Lecanthropy.

Why would Remus get nervous? But then the pieces fit together.

Once a month, four boys in Gryffindor, don't return to their dorms after curfew.

Once a month, four boys in Gryffindor, are tired all day, like they have been running around all night.

And once a month, Remus visits the hospital wing, and he gains one or two more scars.

Remus is a werewolf.

I feel my temperature rising, and not just a bit. I am feeling different emotions take me over. Fear for Remus, but especially anger, for whoever brought this upon such an amazing boy.

I kept staring at Remus and hadn't noticed that our professor was trying to get our attention. "Lexi." James shakes my arm. Right, focus.

Remus and Sirius look in our direction, they are looking at me. I look away, but before I realise what is happening, Remus is gone.

I stand up and ignore James calling my name. I see Remus dissapear into a dark corridor. I walk after him and at some point, he has stopped. "I'm not going back if that'swhy you're here."

"I know, and I'm not." I sit down besides him. We sit against the wall in silence for a while. "I know you're a werewolf Remus." This seems to shock him. Or did it scare him? I'd understand if it was a bit of both. "What are you on about?"

"Rem, I'm not blind. I saw how nervous you were in class, are you okay?" He nods. "What are you doing Lexi? You shouldn't be this close to me, I never intended for you to come this close to me. You'll end up hurt."

"You would never intentionally hurt somebody Remus."

"I can't control myself under the effect of the moon Lexi."

"How do you know you will hurt someone if you won't let them try to help you?" I say.

He swallows, "I have hurt people, they insisted on helping me. And I gave them scars that they will have to keep for the rest of their lives, as a constant reminder of the mistake of befriending me."

"You're talking about James, Peter and Sirius aren't you." I say, my tone changing. All he does is nod. Sirius has a scar on his left leg, and James. . . James had one on his chest. Peter was lucky."

"They would never blame you Remus, you have done nothing with bad intentions." I put my head on his shoulder and ask, "Will you be okay?" He nods, "Why?"

"I have to do something. I will see you tonight, okay?" He nods and smiles, "Thanks for not thinking I'm a monster."

"I could never see you as a monster Rem." And I walk away.

Word count: 1024

Word count: 1024

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