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Chapter 5: Weak spot for gingers


I hated the way all the drama with the green hair, and the daily jokes from Mason made Lexi feel. She had forgiven the boys that caused her to walk around with green hair, but you couldn't miss the dissapointment on her face as people whispered or looked at her with discust or dissaproval. 

And as her bestfriend I was determined to cheer her up, or get back at the assholes. 

This morning I came up with a great idea, and wanted to tell Lexi right away. But once Lexi Medina was asleep, you let her sleep. I had learned the consequences of waking up a Medina last summer, when we spend a weekend at her house. Althea had woken up Matteo, and he was grumpy in an instand. I could hear him complaining for the next hour. When I tried to wake Lexi to tell her about it, I had woken up Matteo 2.0.

Never again.

I tidied my trunk and waited for her eyes to open by themselves.


When I woke, the curtains were opened and Davina was on the end of my bed, obviously waiting for me to get up. "Well what are you waiting for, get out of bed. We have things to discuss." She spoke as she stood up and sat down on the ground with our cats. Hailey hissed at Davina and i chuckled.

"What was it you wanted to discuss?" I asked her as we walked the corridors of the castle. "We're pranking them back." She said full with exitement. "No we are definetly not. I told them I forgave them remember?"

"So you do think it is a good idea!" She janked me behind a broomcloset, and when I realised why, we were already discovered. "Why hide from our handsome faces." Sirius Black asked with pride. I rolled my eyes and was ready to leave, but Davina hold me back. "Not from you, just from . . . Someone." I was sure none of them believed her. But they played along. "Okay, then if you're not hiding from us, you wouldn't mind us walking you to breakfast would you?" Potter suggested.

"He is trying to make Evans jealous. Might as well take advantage of befriending beautiful girl." Davina blushed at Peter and then looked at me. What? I thought.

"I am fine walking by myself, thank you." I said as I took off. Davina sighed and linked arms with Peter and James.

I felt a short jank on my sleeve and turned. I looked right into someones chest. I looked up and noticed Remus looking down on me. "Can I walk you to breakfast?" He asked. Sirius seemed to hope I'd say yes and threw thumbs up at me. "Fine, just until we reach the door." I said.

A smile creeped onto his scarred, but beautiful face as he held out his arm. I linked arms with him and we followed James and Peter, who were talking to Davina. "I will be fine from now on." I told Remus as we reached the large door leading us into the Great Hall.

"It's fine, I'll let Solandis know where you are." He said, pointing to a smiling Davina, who was caught up in a conversation with Pettigrew. "It's fine, let her be. She has had to deal with me for a long time now, she deserves a break." I joked, all though in my head, it didn't feel like one.

Remus seemed to notice, but ignored it, thankfully. I waved him off and sat down at the Hufflepuff table by myself. I looked over to the Gryffindor table that Remus had taken place on. Davina was busy talking to Peter, and Remus waved with a comforting smile, noticing my sudden change of mood. I didn't pick at my food any longer, and walked over to him. He seemed suprised but made room for me between him and James.

"Not hungry?" I asked him when I saw the not touched food before him. He shook his head. "You seemed to have lost your appetite too."

"Yeah, it's just the thoughts drowning me. How are you?" I asked, trying to change the subject. "You can drain your head, just let it out." I have no words to discribe how fast the urge to tell him came to me. I picked at my green hair and sighed. "It's just hard to see someone you really need in your life, show that they don't necessarally need you." I confessed. "I understand that it's hard, but she should be allowed to have more than one friend." Remus tried.

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