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Chapter 20: To the dark lord


Remember that name? I certainly do. Alora Adecyn Jackson, mostly known for her parents their status within the Minestry of Magic.

I had a major crush on her, until she left the UK with her parents and went to a different school.

Davina and I thought we were friends with her, it felt like a pretty close friendship we had. But she never wrote after she left.

"Oh come on Amirah, don't look so shocked."

"I hate it when you use my middle name, sounds like you're talking to my grams." I say. She walks towards me and pulls me into a hug. "Sorry I never wrote you back." She says out loud. I was going to say it was okay, but then she whispers something else into my ear, something the rest can't hear. "But I don't speak to Mudbloods."

I pulled away from her, but she winked. I felt anger rise and just left without another words. More emotions come to me, one of them being confusion. What has happened to her? I know her parents are bloodfanatics, and that they never liked it when she was around me. But this? This I did not expect.

Has she really changed this much?


{A.A.J} (Alora Adecyn Jackson)

I'm here, it feels weird to be back. But I have to find out if it's true. For him.

I leave Lexi there, and walk away, to the dorm I got assigned to. I grab paper and a quill.

To the Dark lord,

When you will be reading this, I have arrived at Hogwarts. I met her, and I will figure out if she is the girl discribed in the probhecy, and if so, I will complete my task and get rid of her,

Alora Adecyn Jackson



My whole encounter with Alora doesn't feel right, at all. This is not just parental influence, she is a completely different person.

I'm avoiding her as much as possible and James has been asking questions. I have tried to answer his questions, but I don't know most of the answers myself.

I try to change the subject, "So where will you take me?"

"I was thinking hogsmeade. We could go to The Three Broomsticks with the others for butterbeer first and then spit up and do some things together?" He suggests.

I smile at him, "Sounds perfect. As long as you don't drag me into Madam Puddifoot's tea shop. I hate that place."

"I figured as much." He laughs.


I wake up, I figure it's the middle of the night because when I look through the window the sky is still dark and the stars are shining brightly.

Flashes of the nightmare that woke me up pop up again and I get out of bed.

I sneak through the castle, trying to find my way to the Gryffindor tower in the dark.

When I finally reach it I seek James his room and quietly open the door. The first thing I hear is snoring, which I know is Sirius. He does it too when he falls asleep anywhere else in the castle. It happens quite often actually.

I walk over to James his bed and sit down on the side.

His eyes open up a little bit but close again. "Lexi?" His hand tabs on the side of his bed I am on until he finds my hand. "Come here." His other hand lifts his blanket. I can't see anything but when I crawl under the covers I feel his warm chest against my back. "I can feel you? This isn't a dream again?" He asked, only half consious of what is happening.

"You're definetly not dreaming. And again? You have dreamt about me before?"

"Not relevant. Why are you here? Is everything okay?" He whispers into my right ear. "I'm fine, just a bad dream."

"A nightmare? Do you remember it?"

"No not much, just that there were three people in the school. They had these mask. . ."

"Shhh, go back to sleep." He kisses my forehead and is back to sleep instantly.

Word count: 706

Sorry it's short but I have been really bisy lately and I wanted to upload something anyways

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Sorry it's short but I have been really bisy lately and I wanted to upload something anyways. :)

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