021 - part one

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Chapter 21: Easy to take off


James makes his way over to the fire place. "Where have you been?" Remus instantly asks him. He has an even bigger grin on his face then after we won the Quidditch cup last year, and that says a lot. "I just brought Lex back to her common room."

"Back to her common room? When was she here?" He let's himself fall down onto the couch. "Last night, all night."

"James! Ew! We were there! In the same room!" Peter yells, which draws attention. "Shh! No, not like that. She had a bad dream and she came to our room. It was all kind of hazy because I was baraly awake, but I woke up this morning with my arm keeping her against my chest." He closes his eyes again. "Mcgonagall will know about this." I say. He looks horrified and stands up. "Sirius, no! Padfoot!" He says as he is running after me out of the common room. The fat lady curses as we pass. "Mcgonagall! James had a girl in his room last night!" I yell.

I stop and he catches up with me. "Where could the woman be?" I ask James. I wink, "Oh! There she is!" And I start running again.


I am walking Lexi to breakfast while she fills me in on what happened last night. "And you didn't ki- watch out!"

"Sorry!" Sirius yells. He is flying around like a crazy person, James following his every move. "Idiots." Lexi laughs.



"Potter! Can you come here?" Mcgonagall calls from behind her desk. It's friday, our last period is Transfiguration and after that everyone will be making preperations for the Christmas Ball. None of the girls can keep quiet and they have been whispering all day long.

Lexi sits next to James, who looks horrified as Mcgonagall calls his name. He stands up and walks to the front of the classroom. "Potter, I have been informed that-"

"I'm sorry proffesor, it won't happen again. You see, a friend needed me and I helped her and-"

"You canceled the quidditch practice because you helped a friend last night?"

"Quidditch? No, what? Are we- right, no. I didn't cancel the quidditch practice because I had to help a friend. We canceled it because of the Christmas Ball." Sirius didn't tell her? "Right, and what were you saying you were sorry for?" His first reaction is too walk away like he didn't hear the woman. She shakes her head at James and continues with her lesson.

Lexi keeps glancing behind her, where Alora is seated next to someone I have never seen. He is a Ravenclaw in our year he came to Hogwarts a few months ago. They keep whispering. I see a little paper bird fly over to James. He glances at Lexi and then to me and Sirius.


"James? Are you okay?" I ask him. He nods but writes something on a piece of paper. "Far from okay. Don't look at Alora, meet me in the Astronomy tower at 3pm." The note says. I nod at him and try to put my focus back to Mcgonagall.

It doesn't take long before we're dismissed, but Mcgonagall tells me to stay behind. I tell James I will be later. He gives me a quick kiss and leaves with Peter. "Lexi, your grandmother and I have been speaking. We think it's best you seek help with Dumbledore. He will know how to help you take the controll over your power back."

"I will go find him on monday." I say.

"Before you leave, have fun tonight." She gives my a genuine smile, which I return.

I meet takes twenty minutes later that we originally agreed to but he doesn't seem to mind. "What's wrong? Why did you need to talk to me in private?" He puts his finger on his lips as a sign for me to stay quiet. "Come." He says. We walk down one of the stairs, and we stay on the small platform. "Look at this. I fell on my desk during Transfiguration." He hands me the bird and I fold it out.

James, you and Lexi need to be carefull. Do not attend the Ball tonight. Keep her save, for everyones sake.

What the hell is that supposed to mean? 'For everyones sake.' I look at him. He looks scared. "You're not going, I won't let you."

"James! This is my first Ball ever, and I won't let some stupid prank ruin this. I'm going, this note is probably some sick joke."

"You're probably right, I'm overreacting. At what time should I pick you up?"

"How does eigth sound?"

"Perfect." He says. He steps closer and kisses me. " Oh and, wear something that's easy to take off." He winks.

"James!" I hit him on his shoulder. "What? You brought it up the other day and I asked if you think you're ready."

"And I said yes." He takes my hands in his, "I know you said yes, and I gave been looking forward to it for a while now, but you sound unsure. "Are you one hundred percent sure you're ready? Because I can wait, it is no probl. . ."

"Shut up." I say. His hands let's go of mine and he trails his hands up my arms all the way to my shoulder. "Gladly." He pressed his mouth to mine and one of his hands find the back of my head. I feel his tongue pressing my lips and I give in. He groans and pulls back. "Fuck off, Padfoot."

"Why does he always show up when we're making out." She whispers. "I have no idea."

"Don't stop on my account." Sirius grins. "James, we need you. It's Remus." He says. James looks at me and I nod. "Go, it's fine. I will see you tonight." He gives me another kiss and then leaves.


"Come on Davina! James and Peter will be here any moment!" I tell het. We're both really nervous, and I still haven't told her about that note James got. It is no big deal right? There is a knock on the door. Davina opens and Alice steps in. "Hey Alice, how are you?"

"Good, Frank should be here any minute now. I just came to tell you your dates have arrived. Davina almost yells and drags me with her. James and Peter are talking to Remus and Sirius. As we walk towards them, their conversations stop. "Hey Love, you look stunning." Peter tells Davina. James takes my hand and spins me around. "Do you like it?" I ask.

"Do I like it? Is that even a question? Lexi, you look amazing." I smile at him. "Bet you look even better when I take it off." He links our arms and smiles back. "We're right here you know?" Remus asks. "Sorry mate." I say as James takes me with him.


I am dancing with James when I spot Remus sitting next to a drunk Sirius. "What's up with them? Sirius is drinking again and Remus looks like he is about to puke."

"Remus accidentally told Pads he is in love with him, sort of." Last nigth we were in our dorm drinking the firewhiskey we had snuck in last week when we came to the point that none of them had dates. And Sirius told Remus they could go together, and then Moony said 'Not like I would mind.' which Padfoot didn't remember the next day. We the rest of us do."

"And what is Sirius his reason?"

"His mother officially kicked him out. But he won't tell us why, or what lead to it."

"Hmm, I hope they're both okay."

"They will be." He says. I smile.and tell myself to believe it. "Lex, look." I hear behind me. Davina turns me and James around and I see Alora descending the stairs. She looks beautiful.

 She looks beautiful

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