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Chapter 2: Not Snivellus


We walked to breakfast thinking that today would be a normal first day back.

Like always, the first years were running around the common room and corridors, scared they would be late for breakfast or classes. I had my bag with books for the first few periods with me and I was looking forward to Care of Magical creatures this afternoon.

Davina and I took place at the edge of the Hufflepuff table and filled our plates with food. Davina went for some toast and I chose eggs and bacon. There were some whispers coming from the the people behind us. Probably some Ravenclaws with an opinion about me or Davina again.

I turned around and the whispers stopped. "Done now?" I asked. They didn't respond and just continued eating. "That skirt is a little short don't you think Mason?" A girl whispered to their male friend. "Yeah, if someone touches her we know why. She is obviously asking for it." The guy named Mason answered.

I closed my eyes and Davina put her hand on my shoulder. "Just ignore the git Lexi, he isn't worth it." She tried to take my mind of it.

I snapped and turned around. "Hey you," He looked at me with a smirk and rolled his eyes. "The fact that my skirt looks short when I sit down does not give you the privilage to say those things. I am not asking for it, I am sitting down to eat my breakfast. Now shut up and mind your own damn business!" Someone from the Gryffindor table stood up and whistled. I reconized him as Sirius Black, one of the Marauders.

I turned back around and took a deep breath. "As much as I hate you getting yourself in trouble, that was amazing." Davina whispered as she saw McGonagall approach us. "Miss Medina. A word please?" I stood up and noticed people looking at me and McGonagall.

She took me out of the Great Hall, just around the corner. "What happened Lexi."

"That boy, I think his name was Mason. He was laughing at Davina and making comments about my skirt. So I told him to sod off."


"Sorry, I'm just pissed off. It's not like I can change the fact that my skirt looks a little shorter when I sit down." I looked to the ground and leaned against the wall. "I'm just sick of people picking on us Hufflepuffs because they think were an easy target."

"I understand that, but next time, not so loud. Try to have a conversation in stead of snapping. Okay?"

"Yes, professor." Minerva pointed her hand to the door as a sign for me to leave. I sat back down and told Davina what she said. A few minutes later I saw Dumbledore calling for the two Ravenclaws. He took them away and they didn't come back until breakfast was over.

Davina and I got to our Potions classroom, almost everyone was there, exept for three Marauders. One of them was sitting alone, obviously waiting for the others. His name was Remus if I remember correctly.

His head was resting on his arms and he was writing someting onto the desk. "What are you staring at?"

"Nothing, I zoned out." Davina didn't seem to believe me. "So you are not staring at that pretty Gryffindor that is half asleep?" She asked.


"Lexi that was a rhetorical question. I'm not blind. You think he is hot." My eyes got big and my head shot towards Davina. "Not so loud! I don't think he is hot!"

"You do."

"Okay so he might be a little pretty." I chuckled at Davina's 'I told you so' look. Then the other three Marauders walked in with a lot of noise. "Potter, Black, Pettigrew, is there s reason in perticular why you show up so late?"

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