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Chapter 23: There is a first time for everything


After Christmas came spring, easter and then our O.W.L's. Lily and Lexi passed easily and Remus too. Peter almost failed and Sirius and I did okay. Lexi and I went on a few more dates and things are more official now. I asked her to be my girlfriend about two months ago, and Sirius and Remus couldn't shut up about it. Peter has grown distant, so has Davina. Lexi is still best friends with her but she never shows up when we meet up with everyone.

Marls and Dorcas finally confessed their love for each other at Gryffindors end of year party. And Remus and Sirius shared a kiss or two. I couldn't be happier for all of them, they all seem genuinly happy with each other. Lex has been stressed out lately. She doesn't show up to her lessons with Newt Scamander anymore. All she does is read about phrofecies, trying to find something that connects her to the Dark Lord.

A lot of Slytherins have left school to follow in their parent's footsteps. Some Ravenclaws too.

My mother won't stop baking cookies to distract herself from what everyone is noticing more and more.

Buildings are ruined, bridges have fallen and clocklowers have shattered. More and more people are siding with The Dark Lord, including Regulus. Sirius had sent his brother many letters telling him what an idiot he is, but maybe in some different and less civil words. Remus seems to be on edge more than normally, but he has Sirius to comfort him.

Sirius, Remus, Peter and I are going to Lexi's house today. It is the first week of summer break and we agreed to celebrate. "Come on! Hurry I want to kiss my girlfriend!" I shout upstairs. "Like you haven't been doing exactly that in your dream last night!" Sirius shouts back. "Shut up Pads, come downstairs!" Remus yells.

"Hey Remus? How are you and Sirius doing?"

"Good, I think? We have had fun together but I think Sirius is having a hard time accepting he is bisexual. And I understand."

"And you? How are you finding all this? I can imagine it is confusing."

"Of course it has been complicated and really confusing, but I think I have come to terms with the fact that I am gay."

"So just guys huh?"

"Just guys. I think girls like Lexi who I thought I had a crush on were actually people I sought validation from. Like male validation but then female validation I guess."

"Well, I am proud of you Moony."

"Don't get all sappy now Prongs." He laughs. "But thank you." He smiles and I smile back.

"I am ready to go."

"What were you doing up there?" Peter asks after he submerges from the kitchen. "Looking for this." Sirius holds up a bottle of firewhiskey.


I lay in bed that night at Lexi's house. I turn to her. "Do you think everyone is asleep?" She nods. "I think they are. Maybe we should too."

"What if I don't want to?"

"What did you have in mind?"

"This." I say as I kiss her. She kissed me back and grabs my neck. "James Potter, I love you."
"And I love you, Lexi Amirah Medina." She turns her head away and pulls up she blanket. "Hey Lexi? I was thinking. Would you be open to. . . I don't know, the next step?" I ask hesitant. "You mean you want to sleep together?"

"Yes, that I uhm, yes?" I feel the nerves taking over my body. "He, calm down. We can talk about this stuff. Okay?"

"Okay, yes." She smiles at me again. "If there is anyone with who I want to things like that again it is you. Don't worry."

"Is that a yes to the question?" I ask. She nods, "Absolutely, now go to sleep. You are annoying when you are moody." She says. I kiss her head and wrap my arms around her. She falls asleep with her back against my chest. Not many minutes later I fell asleep.

Waking up next to Lexi has been the highlight of the past two days. And just slowly getring ready in the morning with her has me hoping this is something we will still do years from now.
I am washing some plates with Peter and Remus is upstairs with Sirius and Lexi playing a game. "Hey Peter?" He nods. "Are you okay? You seem a little off lately?"

"It's nothing. Just my parents. They are putting a lot of pressure on me about this school year."

"And there is nothing else?" He shakes his head. "What about Davina? Is she okay? We haven't read from her since summer break started. Doesn't she live like a few blocks away?"

"I am sure she is fine. She was going on a... vacation with her adoptive parents."
"Right. Well, I am going to look for Sirius. I need his advice." I put the dry plate back in the cabinet and put my wand away. I run up the stars and arrive out of breath. "Pads? Can I borrow you for a sec? Lex, Moony, Wormtail is downstairs." They pack the bordgame which Lexi puts away in a drawer.

I sit on the ground next to Sirius. "Pads? I was talking to Lex on our first night here, and I asked her je she was willing to you know, take the next step?"

"Sex, Prongs. It is just words. It is so adorable it is almost hilarious how awkward talking about it makes you."

"I know! I just don't want to mess it up with Lexi. I am afraid it will be bad and uncomfortable and she will break up with me. But I am mostly afraid I will hurt her? Not only physically, but also mentally." I say slowly. Sirius looks at me like he is about to laugh. "Prongs, Lexi loves you. It not only her first time byt also yours. She understands just as much how scary it can be and she wouldn't blame you if it hurt, or if it wasn’t up to expectations. She feels the same way about this as you do. You trust each other right?" I nod at Sirius.

"Wait how do you know she feels the same way about it?"

"She. . .  came to me this afternoon? She was stressed and wanted some advice?"

"What did you tell her?"

"The same thing I am going to tell you. You need to relax, it will be okay. Now I am putting an end to this conversation becaus it is getting weird." I laugh at him and bump into him. "Thanks Pads."

"Uhuh, this conversation was over remember?"

Word count: 1126

Word count: 1126

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