Bloody Memories

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My eyes fluttered open at as something cold and wet was dripping on my face.. When my eyes opened I saw two concerned looking red headed twins. Fred had a cold, wet towel on my face and was gently rubbing it across my forehead. George was holding my hand and rubbing the top of it with his thumb. Mrs Weasley I saw was now on my other side, she gave a sigh of relief when I opened my eyes. And my sister was sitting Indian style at the end of my bed, and she looked like she was trying to burn a hole into my skull with as intently she was staring at me.

"Oh Ronnie, Thank goodness your awake" Mrs.Weasley exclaimed and patted me on my shoulder. My sister soon shoved the boys out of the way and tackled me into a hug. "Don't you do that to me!" She whispered into my ear. "What happened?" I asked, as she pulled away and planted a kiss on the top of my head.

"You were screaming something awful..but you passed out when I picked you up" Fred told me, him and George were not sitting together at the end of my bed, since Nymph had literally knocked everyone away to get to me. "How long was I asleep?" I asked.

"A couple of hours" George responded. Nymph and Mrs.Weasley soon left, but not before they both demanded me not to get out of the bed. I sighed and sat up leaning my head against the headboard. I looked around and noticed I was now in Fred and George's room, the room I was supposed to be in before that damned bogart..

"Im ok guys, no need to worry" I told the guys with a small smile, they still held the same looks of worry that haven't left their faces since I woke up. They both scooted closer to me on the bed, George held my hand and Fred pulled me into a passionate kiss that would have made my knees weak if I wasn't sitting down.

"Ronnie..Your bogart..why is it your mom?" George asked, he had a serious look that I rarely ever saw..and the look on Fred's face told me I wasn't getting out of this conversation without telling them about it..

"You guys know my mother died..But I never told you how.." I said trailing off, and I looked down and away from the serious glances. Fred and George both gave me comfort by squeezing my hands, and Fred placed a kiss on the side of my head. "My mother killed herself...earlier this year, on my birthday.." I told them. When I looked up they had on identical looks of sympathy. "You don't have to tell us, if you don't want to.." Fred said.

"No I need to get this out.. " I started but as i told my story, all I saw was a flashback in my head...

"Happy Birthday Ronnie dear, will you go pick your cake up from the bakery? I have a couple errands to run" My mother told me as she gently placed a kiss on the top of my head. Today was my fifteenth birthday..and for the first time since my fathers death, I wasn't in a complete state of depression. Aimee and Nymph have been my saving grace. My mother was a different story..every night I would hear her sobs up into the wee hours of the morning. She would never leave the house, and she definitely wasn't taking care of herself.

Nymph had been taking care of both me and our mother, and I hate it.I dont know if my sister has actually mourned our fathers death properly. Today though, my mother seemed more distracted than normal.. she was glancing around at random points of our sitting room and her eyes kept darting to the stairs like she was waiting for someone to come down them at any moment.

"Mom are you ok?" I asked her, she kept biting her thumb nail and taking deep breaths...she was definitely nervous about something. "Oh don't be silly dear.. mother is fine.." She said quickly and chugged the rest of her coffee before running off. I sighed but slid my wand into my boot, and grabbed the muggle money off of the counter for my cake and left..

I waved at Aimee's parents who were gardening in their front yard, they waved back and called Happy Birthday. Aimee was off at school for another month of so since it was February. She had sent me a new bead for our friendship I now have ten of them.

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