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"You're in love with Ava...you're in love with Ava"

Addison hadn't realised until now how much she missed Naomi, she was her best friend after all. The girl had flown in from LA as soon as she got the call. She was a good friend, she had busted through the doors frantically and ,after looking around for a minute, noticed Addison sat next to a hospital bed. She looked awful. Her red hair knotted and wild her hospital coat covered in blood.

Naomi ran over without a second thought and engulfed her in a hug not caring about ruining her clothes. Addie looked around shocked before she noticed the familiar face of her best friend and relaxed into the hug.

Naomi had taken her home, but not until about twenty minutes of assuring her that Ava would be fine until morning. The second Naomi got her home she ordered her to shower and ordered some food for the two of them. She wondered who the girl was that had made Addison so soft. She had only been given a brief description in hushed whispers over the phone before Webber was called away again. Her plan was to fly there and shout at Addison, demand why she hadn't been told about this girl. But the second she saw the red head she knew that it wasn't the time. She could wait until tomorrow.

After forcing two slices of pizza down the stubborn doctors throat she sent her to rest. As much as Addison argued she knew she needed sleep and eventually gave in.


Naomi was awoken the next day by a crashing in the kitchen. She shot out of the bed and ran downstairs looking for an intruder, but was instead greeted with the sight of Addison Montgomery, in her pyjamas, surrounded by a pool of cereal and broken china.

She didn't look...that bad? Sure she wasn't quite her usual self but it was better than the divorced single mother/murderer widow look she was sporting yesterday Naomi thought to herself going over to her.

"Sit" she said taking Addison away from the situation and pushing her down on a chair. Before going over and starting to clean up the mess of, what she assumed, used to be Addisons breakfast. She busied herself cooking and went back to the table with two full plates of breakfast. She sat one down in front of Addie pushing away her mumbled thanks before sitting down opposite her.

"So?" She said gesturing towards the other doctor

"What?" Replied a confused Addison

"Tell me about her...Ava was it?" It was impossible to miss the look that flashed across Addisons face at the girls need. There was so much joy yet so much sadness in her eyes.


And that was how they had got here. Addison sitting in the nurses station after being banned from Ava's room by Bailey as Naomi teased her chanting like they were both in med school again.

"You're in love with Ava...you're in love with Ava" Naomi changed a teasing smile on her face.

"Ugh Nai...I'm not in love with her" Addison replied trying to sound annoyed, but happy that Naomi seemed to be onboard with the idea of her and Ava being together. If that was even possible now anyway.

"You're in love with Ava...you're in love with Ava" she continued ignoring the girls protests.

"You're in love with Ava...you're in love with Ava" joined in another voice making Addison spin around rapidly. She knew that voice.

"Mark?!?!" She screamed running over to her silver haired friend.

"Hey Addie" he replied hugging her back.

"Naomi" he greeted, nodding over to the other girl.

Unknowingly to Addison, Mark and Derek had reconciled after Derek and Meredith had first got together. With Derek calling mark and telling him about Meredith and, at the same time, informing her about Addisons relationship with the younger Grey. Addison would kill Derek later for talking about her behind her back but right now she was too happy to see her friend, she could plan her revenge later she decided.

The three sat down together and talked. She knew that Mark and Naomi were just trying to take her mind of the thought of Ava but it was still nice to sit and laugh about old memories of their med school shenanigans.

They must have sat there for about and hour and the three of them were all laughing about marks embarrassing story from their second year, involving a cadaver and a very unfortunate chinchilla when someone else joined them.

"Doctor Montgomery?" A voice questioned, it was Izzie.

"Yes?" She replied looking over to the always optimistic baking-loving intern.

"She's awake...and she's asking for you" Izzie replied before walking away.

It was like time froze for a second. Addison stood still like a statue her mind running a thousand miles per hours in a sort of trance? If you could call it that. She could vaguely hear the muffled voice of mark Sloan calling out to her

"Addie you okay?" He questioned pulling her back to reality.

"Um...yeah" she said slowly, shaking her head like a dog. She turned on her heel and made her way towards Ava's room.

14, 15, 16, 17

She walked past the rooms each containing a different patient all with a unique illness, but there was only one she cared about.


and finally...23

She stopped outside the door for a second and took a deep breath before pushing the door open.

There she was. Sat up in her bed her blonde hair cascaded down her face like an angel. Her heart stopped for a minute. She noticed the bandages wrapped around the girls arms as she walked closer to her.

Neither said anything...and that was okay

Addison pulled up a chair by the side of Ava's bed. She wrapped her hand around the back of Ava's neck and pulled her towards her touching their foreheads together.

No words were said but a silent conversation took place.

"I thought I lost you"

"I know"

"Don't leave me"

"I won't"

"I can't live without you"

"I'm sorry"

"You have nothing to be sorry for"

Slowly they exited their embrace looking up and starting into each others eyes noses touching. Gently Addison connected their lips in a gentle embrace. There was so much emotion, so much left unsaid.

It was Addison who broke the silence first.

"Be my girlfriend?" She whispered quickly, pulling away from the kiss.

"Yes" Ava whispered pulling her lips to hers again. This time the kiss was different it was passionate. It was forget about everything I'm here and you're here. We don't need to talk now. We're going to be okay.

And it was true, they were going to be okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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