Winning A Battle, Losing The War

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We live out our lives on the surgical unit.
Seven days a week, 1 4 hours a day.
We're together more than we're apart.

After a while...the ways of residency... become the ways of life.

Number one...Always keep score.

Number two: Do whatever you can
to outsmart the other guy.

Number three:
Don't make friends with the enemy.

Oh, and yeah, number four: everything, everything is a competition.


Fools on bikes, killing themselves.
Natural selection is what it is

"Chief, Dead Baby Bike Race
started 20 minutes ago."

All right, people!
Dead Baby Bike Race day!


The interns were gathered together in the basement which had come to become there den of sorts.

"What's the dead baby bike race?" Asked Ava to no one in particular

"Every year, this bar... the Dead Baby bar. Every year, they hold this underground bike race." Explained Bailey.

"The race is completely illegal and...crazy.
Bike messengers
racing against traffic,
trying to beat each other
for free shots of tequila.
The race doesn't even have any rules,
except eye-gouging. No eye-gouging." Continued Bailey

"Welcome to Seattle" Ava said whistling
"You shouldn't look this happy Aves" said Meredith.
"This is terrible, We'll be trapped
in the pit Band-Aiding idiots when we could be up in the OR." Argued Christina

"What kind of people engage in
a race that has, as its only rule, that you can't rip out the eyeballs of another human being?" Questioned George.

"Men, Georgie. Men." Said Alex ending the conversation.

Ava was curious, she wondered what was going on between McDreamy her boss and Misty her sister.

"Misty...Misty come here" shouted Ava
"What is it Aves?" Asked Meredith following her. Ava lead Meredith out through the ER doors to go outside then under a tunnel. Meredith gasped in awe as they walked under a huge willow tree to a small secluded area around the back of the hospital. A lone bench sat under the great willow completely hidden from sight from all directions, covered by the low hanging leaves.
"So Misty tell me about what's going on with you and McDreamy" said Ava seriously.
Meredith blushed furiously and swallowed
"Nothings going on" she said
Ava looked at her with clearly disbelieving eyes until Meredith caved.
"Okay fine, we kissed once... in the elevator" she admitted still blushing deeply.
"So you like him then?" Ava questioned further.
"Nothing can happen, he's my boss" Meredith said now looking sad.
"No one has to know" said Ava. "I just want you to be happy Misty" she continued.

The sisters sat together silently enjoying each other's company. They knew that they would have to head back to the hospital soon to deal with the mass of incoming trauma.

"I love you Aves, always remember that" said Meredith stroking her hair looking down at Ava's wrists now covered by a long sleeved shirt she wore under her scrubs.

"I love you Misty, more than anything" said Ava leaning into her sisters embrace.

The two sat there silently before heading back to the ER where they were met with chaos. Bailey spotted them and made her way over.
"Where the hell have you two been, never mind than now. Ava bed 2, Meredith bed 4" she said passing over charts before ruching away.

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