Make Me Loose Control Part 2

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The news of Ellis Grey having Alzheimer's had spread through the entire hospital by lunch. Of course it was mainly because of the nurses that rumours spread like wildfire in Seattle Grace.

"Did you know about Ava and Meredith's mother having Alzheimer's?" Addison questioned Derek as soon as she tracked him down.

Looking up from the CT scan in his hands he looked up at his wife, well that was debatable some times. "Yes, Meredith told me" he replied clearly choosing his words carefully.

Sighing quietly "Of course she did, have you seen Ava?" Replied Addison not really shocked that her husband knew, but at the time more worried about where the younger, blonde sister was.

Furrowing his brow Derek tried to remember when it was he had last seen the other Grey. "Um... I think I saw her heading round the back of the hospital outside." He replied looking around to see his wife's reaction but noticing that she had already run off in the direction he had described.


Behind Seattle Grace was an enormous elegant willow tree. It towered above everyone, it's leaves draping down like a cascade of raindrops falling on your shoulders. Very little people knew that under the tree there was a beautiful carved wooden bench.

Curled up on the very bench Ava lay curling silently. The blonde had her knees up to her chest and her head in her hands, her salty tears running down her face and onto her hands. Ava liked the solitude of the beautiful place under the willow tree, it was almost magical. Through her hazy state Ava thought she could hear the faint sound of footsteps, heels specifically. She wondered who had discovered her but didn't have to wonder for very long when a familiar voice broker her out of her state, sobering her up instantly.

"Oh...Ava" came the beautiful voice of the one and only Dr Addison Adrianne Forbes Montgomery Sheperd.

Feeling two taps on her legs Ava moved her legs down before feeling another person sitting next to her. Moving her head out of her hands Ava sat up, wiping her eyes, and looked to her left to see the red-headed doctor.

"Hi", Ava whispered almost silently.

Addison said nothing but pulled the small girl into a long hug. Ava could smell her perfume as it filled her nostrils, they stayed silently like this for a while. Tears rolling down Ava's face and onto Addisons face.

"Ava-" , Addison started before she was cut off by Ava.

"Avalon", Ava corrected her. Seeing the confused look on Addisons face she continued, "My full name is Avalon Annabeth Grey".

Addison was shocked at the information that the girl had shared. She was always the quiet one, she knew everything about everyone but no one knows anything about her.

Addison looked up into the younger girls face and for the first time noticed how skinny she had gotten. She noticed how the girls cheeks were sunken, and her wrists looked like Addison could snap them with her pinky finger. It didn't take long for Addison to realise what was showing on, she was a doctor of course, silently she kicked herself for not noticing this sooner.

The older doctor couldn't believe how Ava, Avalon she corrected her self mentally, would do this to herself. Couldn't she see how beautiful she was.

The two made eye contact and by noticing Addisons watery eyes, Ava knew she had been caught. The two kept eye contact, neither talking or moving. Green eyes meeting blue. It was almost magical how the two were lost in each other gaze.

Without noticing it the two stated leaning towards each other slowly. There faces getting closer, inch by inch, until there was just millimetres in between the two. It was Addison who took control first. Gently closing the gap and pressing her lips onto Ava's. Addisons lips ghosted her own gently. Ava kissed back, finally getting what she had dreamed off for weeks. A gentle kiss, one of pure emotion, of sadness, and joy, and pain, and loss. The two fit together perfectly like cogs in a machine as they moved back and forth, a constant ouch and pull. Ava didn't know how long the kiss lasted but by the time they pulled away they were both breathless.

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