The Self-Destruct Button

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OK, anyone who says
you can sleep when you die,

tell them to come talk to me

after a few months
as an intern.

Of course,
it's not just the job

that keeps us up all night.
"You get any sleep?" Izzie asked Ava and George as she sat down in the kitchen. Ava simply groaned in response passing her cup of coffee.
"Oh, she could oil the bedsprings as a courtesy" groaned George
"or at least buy a padded headboard" added Izzie.
"You guys find this bad... that's my sister."
Complained Ava
"So who's the guy?" Questioned George
"You think it was just one guy doing all that work?" Laughed Izzie
"Do you mind if I don't think about that?" Said George
"Oh, jealous?" Asked Ava
"I'm not jealous." Said George
"I am. But at least I know she'll be having a long day at work." Izzie interrupted downing her coffee before pouring herself another.

The door creaked and the interns fell silent. They ran forward and peaked around the door. Izzie gasped as they saw Derek Sheperd sneaking out the door.
"Well, at least we know brain surgery isn't his only skill." Izzie said
"They can't be...He's her boss." George cried indignantly.
"We're late" said Ava trying to change the conversation
"He's all of our boss" added Izzie
"She has been scrubbing in a lot lately on his surgeries." Realised George
"No, Misty wouldn't sleep with him just to... No." Said Ava sticking up for her sister.
"If she's not ashamed, why is it a secret?" Questioned George
"Maybe she didn't. Maybe it just happened. You know, spontaneously,
last night." Ava continued
"Hi, good morning" greeted Meredith as she walked into the kitchen
"Morning Misty" Ava greeted
"It sounded like you were having pretty radical sex last night, all night long." Said Izzie
"Who was the guy?" Questioned Izzie
"No one you know" Meredith replied
Ava laughed causing Meredith to glare at her.
"We're late let's go" said George ending the conversation and walking out the door, slamming the door behind him.


If life's so hard already,

why do we bring more trouble
down on ourselves?

What's up with the need to hit
the self-destruct button?

"A run? You run?" Izzie stared at Ava shocked
"Every day, babe, every day." Ava replied
"Not suffering enough?" Christina said
"What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger." She replied
"Don't go acting all indefatigable. You're dragging like the rest of us." Said Christina
"Oh, what is that, professional weakness, Dr. Yang?" Ava said
"It's called the flu" said Christina grabbing another tissue.
"I need a major rush to make it through this day. I need a kick-ass surgery." Said George
"Ooh, you a bad boy last night, George?" Alex asked
"That would be Meredith." He said
"You a bad boy, Meredith? Do tell. Christina interrupted
"Nothing to tell." She said
"That says it all, huh?" Smirked Christina
"Sorry, I have a sex life" Meredith said
"Don't apologize. Embrace it. Share it. Count me in." Izzie said "Next time, just let me know if I need to go to a hotel so I can get some sleep." She added.


Meredith walked over to where they were talking in the intern locker room and everyone went silent and left leaving Christina, Ava and Meredith alone.
"Am I missing something?" She asked
"You were just a little loud." Ava explained
"Do they know it's McDreamy keeping them up all night?" Christina asked
"I hope not. I already have Bailey riding me. I don't need my roommates thinking I'm getting special treatment." Meredith said.
"It's unlucky that they all know then" Ava said nonchalantly
"What!?" Meredith shouted "how?" She asked.
"They saw him sneaking out this morning" she explained
"Crap..." she said hitting her head in her hands.

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