Make Me Loose Control Part 1

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It's funny how quickly numbers could control you. There was never a goal weight just be skinnier, just be perfect. That was the dream.

Ava wished that the incident in the bathroom in the hospital would be a one time mistake but no...

Ava lied resting her head against the cool tiles of the bathroom floor. Before again lifting her head up to the toilet. In a way she liked the feeling of hot bile rising in her throat. Not the feeling of course but what that feeling meant. One step closer she thought to herself.

It had been a few weeks since the Abby incident and she was already starting to see a difference in herself. And she loved it. She hadn't told Meredith of course no need to bother her. In fact Meredith hadn't noticed any change in her younger sister, she'd spent her days dealing with her 'McDreamy problems' as Christina called them. Meaning she hadn't noticed the way she'd started going by for runs in the morning, hadn't noticed how she'd been skipping meals or excusing herself to the bathroom on the occasions when she did eat.

Ava rose to her feet brushing her teeth quickly and running down the stairs after seeing the time. If she wanted to get a run in she'd have to go now before pre-rounds, a look out the window showed her how it was still dark outside.

Ava was surprised when after rushing downstairs she came to find Meredith and Christina dressed in running clothes.

"Hey Aves you ready?" Asked Meredith catching sight of her sister

"Umm...why are you here?" Questioned Ava knowing of Christina's hate of running and Merediths love of sleep.

"Well we're running duh" answered Christina as if she was dumb in true Christina fashion of course.

"Yes but you two hate running" Ava explained still confused

"Well were running." Said Meredith ending the conversation abruptly before heading out the door.

Ava shot a look to Christina as if to ask what was wrong with her sister only to be answered with a shrug from the dark haired girl. "McDreamy problems probably" she answered as if that were the answer to every problem Meredith had before leaving out the door in the direction Meredith had gone previously.

Ava sighed inwardly, she loved the two but knew anything when they were involved would easily ruin her run. Her usually silent jog would turn quickly into a therapy session for the older two to complain to Ava about their problems. Ava ran out the door locking it behind her before setting of towards the park, absentmindedly she admired how the bones in her wrist looked it stick out more than they usually did, she smiled to herself.


Meredith, Ava and Christina ran through the park. Ava had earbuds in her ears trying to block out the complaining of her sister.

As they ran Christina stopped and bent over breathing heavily. The two sisters carried on running not noticing how the girl had stopped running.

"Uh...Uh." Christina groaned breathing heavily as Meredith and Ava jogged back to her. The three continued running.

"Oh you're stupid. Oh God. You're stupid, evil, sadist and I wanna kill you." Christina grumbled angrily.

"Endorphins are good. Endorphins are mood elevators. This is supposed to make us feel better." Meredith replied breathing heavily.

"Oh god. Do you feel better?" Christina said angrily as she stopped again, panting. Meredith ran back starting by to run circles around him.

"I'm stupid." Meredith groaned

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