In My Blood

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Addison Montgomery was strong. She's been through it all, been divorced, cheated on, lied to, you name it. And not once did she ever ever cry. "Crying should be done alone in your room if it has to be done at all" was what Bizzy used to say to her and Archer. So she simply didn't. She was broken sure, but she never let it show.

But here she was Addison Adrianne Forbes Montgomery crying.

It has to be said that nothing in the world can prepare you for seeing what she had seen. There had been so much blood. How can time move in slow motion but at the same time go a million miles an hour? Addison wondered. The sight of Ava lying motionless was burned into her eyes forever. How didn't she notice?
"Ava... Ava where are you?" Addison had shouted the moment she ran through the door to the Greys house looking around frantically for the blonde girl.

Her heart caught in her throat at the lack of response so she called out again "Ava baby where are you?" She called while making her way towards the bathroom. She hoped against hope that Ava was asleep and had slept through her alarm, or that she was staying with a friend. But nothing could stop the sharp feeling in her gut as she made her way through the house she knew something was wrong.

She pushed open the door to Ava's room only to be greeted with a small tidy room and no sight of the girl, it was clean too clean she thought uneasily. If the situation was different Addison may have noticed that this was the first time she had actually been in the blondes room. She walked in looking around, the room was pretty simple a double bed was pushed against the wall, a desk was pushed in the corner covered in various medical books and cute items of stationary.

Absentmindedly Addison noticed the large collection of cute animal erasers Ava owned, somehow this made the girl even more perfect and quirky to her. She smiled noticing a large framed picture of a bear a live Ava's bed, remembering how the youngest Grey had mentioned them being her favourite animal. When she realised that Ava was not indeed just hiding in her room she turned to leave, before noticing a cork board screwed to one of the walls. A string of fairy lights across the top the board was covered in pinned up pictures of Ava and Meredith, some of Christina, George, Izzie and even Alex. Addison laughed at a picture of Ava at around four with a bowl on her head and her face covered in ice cream, an older Meredith standing next to her with the same questionable bowl fashion sense. Addisons breath hitched when she noticed a picture of herself pinned to the board, a small note was written under it in Ava's cursive handwriting 'my love'.

At this Addison was pulled out of her daze and went back to her mission of finding the girl, not before unpinning the photo and slipping it into her pocket.

After a few more minutes Addison thought she must have searched every room and turned to leave. As she walked to the stairs she noticed that one door was slightly ajar. She walked towards it, pushed it open and was changed forever.

Addison Montgomery had been through trauma, she had treated patients who had been through trauma all her life, in med school they taught everyone to think on there feet. "Don't freeze up" they said but never once had the patient been a person she loved. There's a reason they don't let doctors treat their family.

The second the door was pushed open the smell of blood hit Addisons nostrils, an onslaught on her senses. She looked around quickly and witnessed a truly horrible sight. Avalon Annabeth Grey laid lifeless on the floor of the bathroom. Pools of blood surrounded her body. Like a river, blood flowed freely from angry slashes across the girls wrists. Her face as white as a ghost she looked almost peaceful despite being so so sad.

A wretched scream erupted from Addisons throat as she ran towards the girl. She dropped to her knees her white coat getting soaked in blood as she cradled the girls head. "Ava...Ava can you hear me?", "Ava baby please no" she screamed. Grabbing a towel she pushed down on each of her wrists "not like this, not like this" she sobbed in quiet mantras as she worked. She watched as blood seeped through the towels, there was too much blood, she needed help. Grabbing her phone from her pocket she called 911.

Sirens. Talking... well murmuring. She was in the ambulance. Blood transfusions? She has no pulse. Starting compressions. Meredith...Meredith she had to call Meredith. Was this what shock feels like she's so numb. Derek? Surgery? Blood.


Pain. Crying.

A hospital waiting room is a scary place to be. She had no idea how long it had been since Ava had gone into surgery. Derek was in there. Meredith was wrapped up under a blanked in a chair on one side of the room tears still streaked down her face, Izzie, Christina and Alex all sat in the chairs next to her no one was free from red puffy eyes. Even Christina had shed tears for the youngest intern. Addison could have sworn Bailey looked like she was about to cry before she rushed into the surgery.

Addison curled up in a ball in the centre of the blue plastic chair. The room was silent except for the gentle sobs coming from Meredith and Addie. She was in shock, there was no doubt about it. She bet she looked awful strands of hair flowed freely from her pony tail and she was still wearing the blood stained white coat, she knew she should get changed but the thought of Ava being out of surgery soon kept her stationary.

Putting her hands in her pocket she felt a piece of paper. Pulling it out she was greeted with the picture from earlier. At this her tears redoubled as she sobbed onto herself. She traced her finger over the words, she could almost see Ava writing them in her loopy  handwriting. It reminded her of Naomi's. Naomi. Richard had called her, he knew Addison needed someone. She would be here by morning. She would love Ava. Ava. Ava. Ava. Ava. Avalon Annabeth Grey.

"Family and friends of Ava Grey?"

"She's out of surgery"

"She's going to be okay"

She's going to be okay

Sorry for being away for so long
forgive me

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