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Next morning, I woke up wondering if everything was just a dream. If all that happened last night was just a fever dream that I always wanted but never had.


He was all I could think of that morning. And while thinking of him, I couldn't help but smile. I knew I looked ridiculous, smiling while laying down on my bed and staring at the wall.

I kept thinking about the kiss we shared. His soft lips that I always stare at since I've had a different feeling about him. To tell that I was happy was an understatement.

Eventually, I got up on my bed, pushing off Tobias from my head. Yet it was impossible. How could I not think of that one handsome man?

Dad and Clara were on the table sipping their coffees when I arrived at the kitchen.

"Morning." I said.

"Morning, son." Dad smiled.

"Did you come home late last night?" Clara said.

I rolled my eyes. "Good morning, Clara."

"You didn't answer my question."

"Not that late." I reached for a mug and poured coffee to it.

"You sure?" she said.

"Yes, Clara. I keep track on time." I didn't actually. I never paid attention on time. I took a sip from my coffee, completely forgetting the fact that I hate it.

Clara gave me a look and shrugged.

"Where were you last night?" Dad said.

"Just with Tobias." It slipped off before I know it. Dad smirked and dropped his attention to the newspaper he's reading.

"You seem to hangout with that guy a lot lately." Clara said.

I shrugged. "So?"

"You never stay out late like that with Alvin."

"That's because I'm at his house by those times." I never finished my coffee. I threw the rest to the sink.

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