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Clara was waiting outside the coffee shop, I saw her standing beside the door entrance when I got out and handed her the cup holder. "What took you so long?" she barked while taking it.

"What took me so long? Idiot, you're the one who's supposed to get the order!" I raised my tone, because of the annoyance eating me inside. "Do I look like a Clara, for fuck's sake?"

"Okay, my fault. My friend called me so I needed to answer." She was waving her phone to show me the call with her friend.

I chose not to answer back because it'll just get worse. We walked back to our house, Clara followed behind.

We arrived at the house and settled down the food that we bought. Dad consumed the cake really fast. He must've missed eating that stuff so bad. Clara went to her bedroom and I went outside again.

Sun was setting and the streetlights were starting to turn on. I decided to hang out at the skate park so I went inside the house to grab my board and started skating away.

The skate park is only a few miles from the house and luckily, the streets weren't that busy so I could freely ride my board without interruptions.

As I get closer to the park, the sound of people chattering and laughing gets louder. The park was filled with numerous people, some are friend groups, some are couples, and some are on their own, like me.

I finished the coffee that's on my hand and threw it in the trash can. Then I went into one of the ramps to pave my own trick.

The speed that I am currently at is unstoppable and I got closer to the ramp. I prepared my body for a frontside 180 as I finally got to the sloped ramp.

As I went down the slope, my board flew along with me as it spins in the air. I landed perfectly on the ground and kept on skating around. The rush of happiness inside me cannot be hidden and I burst out with a wild smile.

It's cool that I know some of the people in this place and I greet them with a nod as I pass by them. They're the people I usually hang out with whenever I go to this park.

An hour or two passed and I finally decided to go home. The sky was dark and edgy. Streets were visible because of the lamp posts lighting it up.

I see some cars pulling up to their driveway, probably adults that just got home from their work. Some kids in their backyard are still playing, while their parents are telling them to go inside. Minutes later, I arrived at my house.

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