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Today, I got the lowest score on my french quiz. But it's not like it bothers me, I always get the lowest score on that subject, anyway. Nothing new. It's just weird learning a language when you cannot or would not even use it for daily life.

Do I use French when I order at a restaurant? No.

Have I used French when I talk to my best friend or my family? No.

See? I don't need that shit in my life. But it affects my grades substantially throughout the semester. So, whether I like it or not. I need to learn the language so I can pass.

Oh, and also, I almost got killed today. I was passing by a park when this little kid suddenly appeared out of nowhere and decided to scream behind me. As an easily-scared-person, I jumped and ran to the street without realizing that there was a bus coming towards me. Luckily, I was fast enough to get out of the way before my skull could be smashed.

Until now, I still remember that little kid's face and I'll never forget that annoying spoiled child. God, I really hate—despise—children.

I also screwed up my biology class today after one of my seatmates decided to play an embarrassing video of him doing jumping jacks in front of the faculty's office while naked.

As soon as my biology teacher turned around, that one seatmate of mine passed his phone to me and then there goes the worst thing that you could think of.

I got kicked out of class.

I got kicked out and so did the dumbass. It's fine with me, actually. It isn't bad at all. I can chill and smoke outside to kill time. My pal, Alvin, let me spend the night in his house.  Alvin and I have been best friends since we were eight and our parents are practically the same too.

Actually, we are the reason why they are friends in the first place. If it weren't for us, they wouldn't know each other and host gatherings whenever there's a special event like Christmas or Thanksgiving.

A typical night for the boys are a bundle of chips, sodas, and video games. Just like every time I crash into this place. Though, tonight, we got pizza as a bonus meal because Mrs. Williams said she wanted to treat us.

She really is a nice parent. A cool mom I could define. Her relationship with Alvin is very simple and uplifting. Though I'm not saying that my mom isn't like that.

I have a cool mom too. I won't ask for anything more. She's the one who makes me happy. Even if sometimes there are moments when I can't handle her. But, she's not with us anymore and I miss her so much.

Alvin and I spent hours playing video games. We spent the whole night finishing three games and I'm not disappointed about it.

I screw things up. I fuck things up. But, sometimes I manage to find a way to forget about the things that I messed up.

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